Chapter 11 - Three years later

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It's just after lunch on 23 December 1973. I am thirteen years old. Cathy has been gone for a while now and I am used to it, despite that I miss her. Henry is older now, and is seven in human years (still quite young for a cat).

In the middle of history class, Mary said, "Are you excited about Christmas?"
"I guess. I mean after thirteen Christmas's it gets quite normal."
"Have you done your Christmas shopping?"
"Yes." I lie. Mary tilts her head and raises an eyebrow. "Okay fine! I haven't done my Christmas shopping! I have no idea what to get for anyone, and mum still doesn't let me go to the big shops in the centre of London! I can't find anything good in the nearby small shops..." I explain.

"Well, how about we skip this lesson and I take you to the big shops. I can help advise you on what to get, and if you don't have enough money for something I can make a contribution!"

And so off to the shops we went. We had to sneak out because we knew mum wouldn't want us going. Mary had become more of a friend than a teacher.


Mum and the workers throw a big New Year's Eve party at the house every year. This year I can see about two hundred people! I am going around handing out snacks and drinks. One man I approach and hand a drink to says, "Hello, what's your name?"

He's an old man, around sixty, who's wearing a cream white suit. It's a white shirt with a creamy coloured tie, and a cream coloured jacket, with matching trousers. He's wearing pointy white shoes too. His head is bold on one side and the other side he has a bit of parted gelled grey hair. He isn't at the party with anyone, from what I can see anyway.

"My names Cleo, sir."
"Cleo? What an interesting name! That would sound excellent on a front cover."
"I suppose so, sir."
"Please, call me Derek."
"Alright Derek."
"Now, tell me Cleo, what are you into?"
"Pardon? I don't understand?"
"What's your dream, if you might call it that?"
"Oh, my dream?" Should I tell him? He might be looking for an actress, "I dream of being an actress mainly, but along with some singing and dancing."
"Really?! I was hoping so!"
"Well I am directing a short movie."
"An advert?"
"No not really. We're calling it a trailer. It advertises a movie or book."
"Who's in it?"
"We haven't decided yet. We're holding auditions on the third of January. And when I saw you walking across the room I was thinking how perfect you looked for a part. I was hoping that you were interested in acting because this could be your big break."
"What's the advert- I am mean trailer for?"
"Well we are advertising the book Little Woman. A book shop has hired us to do it. It will go on television all around England."
"Oh my goodness! I love the book Little Woman? Which part did you have in mind for me?"
"Well I think you look a lot like Amy March."
"Amy? She's my favourite! I would love to play her!"
"Well you have to audition."
"But you know what... I am willing to let you audition today."
"Seriously?! Oh my goodness thank you! Let me go and tell my drama teacher! Can we meet back here in third minutes?"
"Sure we can."

And I ran off.


"Mary! Mary! I've got an audition!" I shout to her as I see her sitting in her room reading a book.
"What?" She replies, looking up from her book."
"I have an audition! There was a man who told me he was directing a short movie advert of Little Woman! He saw me and thought I was perfect for the part of Amy!"
"Oh my goodness!" She says, putting down her book. "When?"
"Thirty minutes."
"Thirty minutes?! Where?!"
"Here, in this house! He kindly offered to let me audition now not when every one else does!"
"But... Do you think it might give me a disadvantage? I mean he might forget how good I was."
"If he's a good proper judge, he won't forget you. Now, have you got a monologue ready?"
"Yes. Caliban, the Tempest."
"Perfect! And a song?"
"Yes, but I don't think this is a singing thing..."
"Okay. But you need to change. Get you in some smart clothes."
"Okay. Maybe pretty as well with its of jewels, because Amy wears loads of those!"
"Good idea!"


Half an hour later, I auditioned. Mary, Derek and I went into a big room upstairs that wasn't being used for the party. Derek sat down on a seat and I stood up. Mary leaned on the wall next to Derek.

"Okay Cleo, I'm going to act like I have never met you now and I am judging you on pure talent. Have you got a monologue?" Derek says.
"Yes. Caliban, the Tempest."
"Oh I love that."

This is my island, by sycorax my mother, which you took from me!
When you came first,
You stroked me and made much of me,
Would give me water with berries in,
And teach me how to name the bigger light, and the less, that burnt by day and night.
And then I loved thee, and showed thee all the qualities of the isle -
The fresh springs, brine pits,
The barren place and fertile.
Ugh, cursed be that I did so!
All the charms of sycorax -
Toads, Beatles and bats light on you!
For I am your only subject, which first was my own King,
And here you sty me in this hard rock,
Whist you keep me from the rest of the isle!"

I get out of character, and smile at Mary and Derek. Mary's mouth is curved into a beaming smile, and Derek's mouth is open in shock.

That has to be a good thing... Right?!

Suddenly he starts clapping his hands,
slowly, with his mouth still aghast. He starts walking over to me and puts his arm over my shoulder. Then he says with a laugh in his voice, "Cleo, you and I are going to have so much fun..."
"I hope so."
"Don't hope."
"Because you just got the part of Amy March."

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