Chapter 10 - Cathy leaves

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"Cleo, wake up." Cathy said, standing by my open door.
I was lying in bed. It was five in the morning. I had run back from the garden before even having dinner, and went straight to bed. I wouldn't speak to anyone, especially not Cathy. And then I fell asleep. And now Cathy had woken me up at five in the morning, from my beautiful, peaceful world, where Cathy wasn't leaving.

"What?!" I groaned, sitting up.
"I'm leaving now. The car's waiting outside. I've come to say goodbye."
"Say goodbye to my ass because I don't care."
"Cleo! How dare you?!"
"How dare me? How dare you?! You messed up minded girl who's a terrible sister! You didn't even tell me that you were leaving!"

"Yes I did! I told you yesterday!"
"You said you've been planning it for ages, but you never told me!"
"I thought about it, Cleo! I really did! But Steve told me not to tell anyone. He said it would risk the whole thing. And I didn't want to freak you out. And I didn't want you to tell mum..."

"You thought I would tell mum?! I wouldn't because I am trustworthy! But you... You're anything but trustworthy!I trusted you to tell me before, not telling me while everyone else at the same time. And the day before you leave?! Even mum deserves better than that, let alone me! That's what really hurt me Cathy. Not that you were leaving, but because you didn't tell me."

"So your not even the slightest bit upset?!"

"No. I'm glad your leaving!" I lied. "It means I can actually trust everyone in the house!"

"Wow Cleo, wow. Just wow. After all we've been through, we have to argue with me in my last twenty minutes of being here."

Cathy was right. We had never had a big fight before, only little disagreements. It was strange arguing with her, but at this point in time, it felt good. Like I was getting all my anger out. The anger that had been bubbling and cooking up inside of me. It felt good, but made me even more angry.

"Well then. Goodbye." She said, turning to leave.

"Wait Cathy!" I called, still angry.

"Yeah?" She said, almost a smile.

"When will I see you again?"

"So now you miss me?"

"No, I just wanted to know when hell on earth would be back."

Cathy opened her mouth to shout something, but stopped and closed it.
"I was only planning on going for a year and see how it goes... But um... If it's going to be hell for you, I'll stay longer. Maybe five years...?"


"Goodbye Cleo. I hope your dream works out for you. I hope you don't have someone ruin your last twenty minutes of being in your home." She said, and left.

I lay back down in bed. I needed to calm down. Anger made me think horrible things about Cathy, which deep down I knew weren't true. It was hard to fight those feelings off. I tried to breathe normal and calm breathes.

In. Out. Repeat. In. Out. Repeat...

And on it went for about five minutes. I slowly started to feel better. Suddenly, I heard voices outside in the car park. Cathy's voice and mums voice, saying sweet things to each other.

That should be me! I should be down there hugging Cathy!

I looked out of my window and saw Cathy and mum hugging. This isn't right. I quickly grabbed my jumper and threw it over my pyjama top. I brushed my hair with my fingers for thirty seconds and then run out my bedroom. I ran down the hallway, and down the stairs. I flung my self down the next set of stairs, and ran past the office. Some workers said good morning, but I ignored them. I ran to the door and pulled it open.

I looked out to the the garden. The car park was around the other side. I dart around. I could hear Cathy slamming the car door shut. Oh no she's about to leave! I ran around the house, crushing the flowers. I get to the car park and see a white van drive away.

(That was the story of my childhood. From now on the story shall be in present tense, as now the things are actually happening in the story)

"Wait! Cathy wait!" I scream. I suddenly see the car stop abruptly. Cathy leaps out of the car.
"Cathy!" I scream, running up to her.
We meet in the middle of the car park and she embraces me in a hug. A hug so tight I know that she really wants to be with me, but not here. I never realised how hard this must have been for her. She had to make maybe the hardest decision of her life. And then I just start getting angry at her. I'm a horrible person.

"Cathy, I'm so sorry." I say, still hugging her.
"Don't be." She says, almost a whisper, just meant to be heard by me.
"Cathy, we have to go! We are already late for the flight!" I hear a man shout from the car. I breathe in the smell of flowers from Cathy's hair.

"I have to go." Cathy says, letting go.
"No..." I say, clutching her for dear life.
"Cleo, I have to. I'm going to miss my flight."
"Miss it, don't go." I cry, tears running down my cheeks.
"Cleo, let go." She says, trying to wriggle free. She manages to get half away, but I grab on to her hand and don't let go.
"I love you Cathy."
"I love you too Cleo. You're the best sister anyone could ever have. I hope your dream works out. I really do. I love you."
"Promise you'll come back for me some day?"
"I promise. I'll write to you, though not that often, as it would take a long time and a lot of money for it to get here."
"I wish I could see you forever."
"Who knows? Maybe you'll be on tv, performing in films, and I'll be on tv in a surf competition."
This gets a tiny laugh out of me.

"Cathy, if you want this to work, we have to go!" The guy shouts.
A gleam in Cathy's eyes makes me think she is reconsidering, but then it's gone. Suddenly Cathy's grabbing on to me in a quick but strong hug. Then she lets go quickly so I can't grab onto her. I stand there, lost as a puppy.
"Goodbye Cleo." She says, not even turning around. Maybe it's too hard for her to.
"Goodbye Cathy." I cry. Tears run and I sniff in all the dripping snot that I can.

I watch Cathy walk away, silently. She hops in the car. The fact that she's leaving feels too much like I am dreaming, but when the van engine starts, reality hits me like a truck. I just watched Cathy walk away! She's leaving!
Cathy's leaving! My sister, is leaving!

The engine is whirring, but not yet moving. Without thinking I try running up to it, but almost as if she was ready for it, mum grabs onto me and holds me.

"No! Wait! Cathy wait! Don't leave me!" I shout at the top of my voice. As if they can't hear me, the car starts to drive at slow speed. Tears flood all over my face, and my voice screeches, "No, Cathy wait! Don't leave me! Stay Cathy! Stop the car!"

The car starts driving fast. I see Cathy turning around and blowing a kiss.

"No Cathy stop! Don't go! Stop! Cathy! Please! Don't go! Stop!" I am in floods of tears now.

She turns around again, crying, and the car starts speeding up.

"Caaaaaaatttthhhhyyyy!" I scream. "Noooooooooooooo! Someone stop the car!" The car is well ahead now. Mum lets go and I charge after it. I run the fastest I ever run. I start shouting, "Cathy! Don't leave!" But the cars too fast and soon is out of eye sight.

Cathy's no longer here... She's gone.

And that's when I realise, Cathy did everything for her dream... she even left me. I now have no one to loose. I can do this. I can make my dream real... I am ready for the trip to fame...

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