Chapter 2 - The Fair

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So on the 30th July 1964 Cathy and I woke up early. We got dressed in our favourite clothes. I wore my pink shorts and my white t-shirt, which had flower prints all over it. Cathy wore her green dress, which was very pretty. It had straps and was a beautiful emerald colour. It was stuck to her until the waist, and then flared out. It was beautiful. It made her look about eleven.

Cathy then carefully brushed my golden brown hair. I had very, very light brown hair, which could pass for blonde in the summer. Cathy had completely golden hair. It was long and straight. It was beautiful. It would reflect the sunlight. It looked very angelic. In fact when I was two and she was eight, she was asked to play the Angel Gabriel in the school nativity. She didn't have any lines, but she just looked a picture. She resembled the whole Angel Gabriel thing.

Her almost white hair all long and flowing down her golden Angel wings. The other Angels were supposed to where silver halo's while Cathy wore a golden halo, but they had to swap as the golden halo was invisible on top of her hair.

So, with her beautiful white dress on, with her golden wings and white, yellow hair, topped of with a silver halo, she looked amazing! I was so proud to be her little sister in the audience, I even stood up on the church bench and shouted, "that's my sister!" When she came on for her part.

After Cathy had brushed my hair, I went to collect the money from mum, who was still in bed. I had to tell her she had her job interview.

"Mum, where's the money for the fair?" I asked. I could talk fluently from a very, very, very early age.
I only heard a muffled grown back from underneath mum's pillow.
"Mum?" I whispered uncertainly.
"Yes darling?" She said back, her head on the side of the pillow now.
"Me and Cathy are up. Can you please give us the fair money?"
"The fair? What fair?"
"The summer fair."
"Oh right. Isn't that tomorrow?"
"No mummy, it was tomorrow, yesterday."
"Oh okay."

"Mummy, that also means you should be up. You have your job interview."
"My job interview?" She said, sounding confused. Then she sat up all alert and awake. "My job interview!" She shrieked. She jumped out of bed. She threw some money at me, which turned out to be ten pounds! I ran out the room with the money while mum got dressed.

I came back and gave the money to Cathy, while she was making scrambled eggs. She had found two eggs and a saucepan. She was finished just as I came in with the money. We ate the small portion of scrambled eggs, which were a bit wet and soggy still. Never the less, we enjoyed them, and left a portion on a plate for mum, so when she was ready she could eat breakfast.

So then, Cathy and I left the house.
"By mummy!" I called.
"Good luck with your job interview mum! You'll do great!" Cathy shouted as we closed the door of the house behind us. It was a green and white beach house made out of wood. It was square shaped, but a big square. It only had one floor, unless you count the attic, which mum was planning to turn into a guest room. It was a feel-friendly sort of house. Like the ones you see in seaside movies. It looked very good and the colours would welcome spring time very nicely every year.

Cathy lead the way. She headed down the market street. We didn't actually know where the funfair was taking place, but we knew it was in the town.
Cathy walked around the market for a bit. Finally she went over to a market stall man and said, "Excuse me sir, but you don't happen to know where the funfair's taking place do you?"
"It's just two streets from here, in Suffledey park. You take a left from this street and then take the second right."
"Thank you very much." Cathy said. Then she started leading the way again and followed the directions we had been given.

When we arrived at the fair, I smiled with joy. It wasn't like the funfair's in Germany. The ones in Germany were bigger and were crowded and dirty! This was a nice, calm, seaside funfair! It had only three rides. A carousel, a swing ride where swigs are attached to a satalite shaped dish. It would spin around and would feel like you were flying. There was also a Big Dipper, which wasn't actually so big, but I was too scared to go on it at the time. Along with all those rides, there was also a series of games.

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