Chapter 3

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Avi woke up the next morning with her heart palpitating and nightmares slipping away, as all plot lines for dreams seem to do as one wakes up. As soon as her feet hit the floor Avi felt a weird sense of De ja Vu. She shook it away, had she really been having these night terrors for so long? She wiped the thought away. "AVI!" Her mom called her. This sent a vivid image into Avi's head,probably from her dreams last night. A beautiful young woman sat on a rock. Her unnaturaly long dark brown hair bilowed around her thin body, and tail. A siren thats what she was. The siren beckoned Avi with her hand and whispered almost seductively to Avi alluring her foward. Avi gasped as soon as the image weared away into reality. Avi held back a sob. What was that? She thought. "Avi!",her mother called again. "Coming!" Was all called in responce, hiding all she really wanted to tell. School was a typical bore. You know, aliens, icecream, goverment conspericies. Avi was in English, or more technically Reading class. They, as in the few Miss Green or Avi's Reading teacher picked to publically shame in front of the entite class to reenact a stupid short story script their class had been previously just reading, were reading their strange lines.
Avi(as alien #1, and who knows what else): "Stupid humans eating away the mind control like its nothing."
Greg Hanns (as alien #2, prince, and salesman):"There so igmorant and naive. Fearful and judgmental in all the wrong places. Little do they know what hit them."
Paige (as who the heck cares?!):"I-RING. The bell struck. The kids rushed out exuberant that they were free from their prison and could hit the buses and go home.
Avi, Paige, and Greg stayed back. Avi because Miss Green had told her too and Paige and Greg because they were too busy whispering and giggling to one another. They were so absorbed in each other to even care or notice of the bell and the buses. Both of them probably had their parents drive them anyway. Unfortunately, for Avi that wasn't her case she needed to make the bus. So she sure as h*ll wantediss Green to hurry up and get her lecturing on. "Miss Pierce", Miss Green started off with. "Miss Green", Avi slightly mockingly retorted with a small smirk on her face.Miss Green chuckled, giving Avi one of her winning smiles. It was times like these Avi felt a strong admiration to her young joyful teacher. "I was watching ypu today",Miss Green started off again. "And I believe you have real potential for this acting thing. I want you to think about joinig this years school play." Big fat chance of that Avi thought. Even if Avi actually wanted to join there would be no way her mother would give her permission to do so. "Is that all?" Avi asked Miss Green. "I am afraid so her Reading teacher replied back waiting for Avi's real responce. It would never come though, because Avi replied back with the sweet lie of, "Gee, Miss Green I will sure think about it." Then Avi thurned around and a little nit rage boiled in Avi's heart. Paige and Greg had stayed for Avi ans Miss Green's entire private conversation. "I would prefer id you could refrain from flirting inside my classroom and take ypur matters outside, Mr.Hanna and Miss Black. Avi hid a smile grateful for Miss Green's interference. Paige had the decency to blush and look a little guilty while kinda of walking out kind of storming out. Greg,not so much, instead he stopped in his way out to point out that Avi had a bit of something smeared on the corner of her mouth. Avi wiped away the bit of cream cheese on the side of her lips. "Thanks", Avi replied hoping her sarcasm was think enough to understand. Greg nodded his popular boy way of saying 'Ur welcome', either to stupid to understand Avi's sarcasm or chose to ignore it. "Gee", Avi thought, "was he really so vain and lazy he couldn't just open his mouth to say two aimple words?" Avi turned back to Miss Green waved and gave her smile. Then rushed to the door leading out of her room, as soon as Avi's foot hit the carpet ouside of the room and In the hallway she started sprinting rushing to her already retreating bus. On her way though she couldn't help noticing a flash of another face from her nightmares. Boy were her hullcanations really getting annoying and pis*ing Avi the h*ll off.

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