Seven Saviors: Prolouge

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"Funny it was like magic Cassy," Em replied one eyebrow wiggling. "No, not magic Em. Never magic." Cassy announced her sarcastic words echoing from the empty lone alleyway. Em cracked a mischievous grin and slipped away. "Alleyways" thought Cassy to herself. "Ha! Who would've thought they were what seemed to be her only safe haven now?" Then as quietly as she could Cassy followed Em through a small pathway, most people would miss, leading out.


I woke up screaming. Horrid nightmares had been chasing me. The scary thing was I couldn't recall when they started it could have been a week or even a month ago. I glanced around my room, while my heart had still been pumping. My clothes were splattered everywhere along with my books which were stacked around every nook and cranny of my room, and my bedroom walls were covered of my sketches and cartoons. I peered at my blue curtains that were pushed aside to reveal a window, and I saw that lots of light was already filtering in. Then I looked at the door and thank the gods I had remembered to close the door last night. Otherwise I would have had a lot to explain to my mother. "Avi!" My mother shouts from downstairs. Panicking, I take a quick glimpse at my clock above my lengthy wooden book case. 7:15!?!! Late! Late! I was late! No, wonder she was worried.

I threw on some clothes and ran a brush through my long frizzy, wavy, and dark hair. I stared at the mirror my light brown skin looked paler and my nerves looked rattled. I hoped my mom wouldn't notice and rushed downstairs. My mom was sitting at the table her mass of light brown curly hair ruffled up. She looked like a little child sitting wide eyed and nightgown drowning her tiny body. She was sipping nervously on her cup of tea when she saw me. It had made me feel a pang of guilt. How could have I let her worry like that? My mom than asked "Are you all right?" I cracked her a smile, "Sorry mum I overslept." I guess my mom could sense my uneasiness and quickly said, "Well I was getting worried about you, and your new horrible time sense, and so I made you- I cut her off and grabbed the warm strawberry pop tart from her hand. "Thanks!" Before she could have said anything else I grabbed my backpack with my other hand, slipped on my sneakers, and ran to my front door. I swiftly opened the door and heard my mom start to say bye, but it was too late. I had slammed the door, and let the noise ring in through my ears.

Than the slapping of my worn out black converse were the only sound till I reached the bus, and anxiously climbed on. I plopped down on a seat and sighed with relief. It's odd I loved education, but if you had asked me I would no doubt have told you strange is an understatement about my school. First off it was called Aurora Junior High and we were in Wisconsin. Secondly it was a building that horded up a bunch of bratty twelve and thirteen year olds (I straight out admit I added to this particular mass). Yet with all the faults I found with my school, I still adored it none less.

As we arrived to another bus stop I shifted my backpack, my thoughts temporarily erupted. I moved it again and stared out the window. I hoped that would send the signal that "no one sit with me." While the bus continued to pass through stops I had caught myself lobbing back to sleep. I practically had to slap myself up once. As I stared out the window I saw a jet black streak pass my eyes. Someone had been out there watching. I knew I saw someone standing there for a second. There had been long black hair billowing in the wind. I pressed my cold clammy palms to my throbbing head and prayed my nightmares weren't following me into reality.

Even though my paranoia had slightly diminished, my morning classes still seemed too drag on and on. And just to add salt to the wound why not add a throbbing headache that had accompanied that oh-so-wonderful morning? The bell eventually rang, and I had shot out. I had been trudging with my lunchbox to the cafeteria, when FINALLY the grey fog lifted from my brain ,the pressure releasing from that miserable headache. The content and relief filled haze lasted for about a minute, before static blasted my ears. Nausea gripped me and I tripped. The last thing I saw was the face from my nightmares and the familiar dark hair brushing my cheeks. I couldn't take anymore. I welcomed the darkness.

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