Chapter 7

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The IZZY AND SAM Street/Boulevard had a forlorn story to it. It was believed a neighborhood of three or five houses used to be there and there lived two girls named quite obviously Sam and Izzy. They were different. One was all white angle with beach blond wavy hair,small light blue eerie but joyful eyes, and lastly pale skin but with sprays of freckled particularly over the nose and cheeks. The other all dark haired devil with hair so dark it gleamed almost purple in the sun, and bright big brown eyes, and the characteristic red lips that were always turned in a devious smile. The tale was simple, the two girls had haunted pasts with tragic, abusive families who could only afford the small broken houses under the old abandoned highway that could at that time give away at any moment. Being the only little girls around the same age for a few miles, Izzy and Sam befriended one another and found condolence in one another. They were the prettiest thing in the block. Running around reminding those of the fun forgotten times of a special childhood friendship. But their story wouldn't be significant if they weren't noticed by the actual sane people in the county. As the girls got older the more and more they were forgotten by their parents and the more the two bonded with one another. Anyway this lead the two to start spending more and more time in the town and become the two sweethearts of their school, which happened to be the same middle school Avi currently went to. The towns people such as the store owners and classmates noticed that the two beloved creatures hardly went home and the state of their clothes, and like typical people started chattering about it and gossip swept over. In fact over time the people of the town grew so curious they decided to follow Izzy and Sam to make sure they didn't sleep in a hovel or ditch somewhere. It hadn't been the first time people had tried to get Sam and Izzy to relinquish where they stayed. It was mostly done by their school mates, but the with the two resilient and stubborn girls no attempts had been successful, yet. Secrets always had a way of getting out and that time/day they did. What the  towns people found was the broken down suburban  houses under the under-stable bridge an absence of any decent authority figures.  A sharp sound was heard and the shocked towns people scattered. They had been shocked they knew always it must of bad for Izzy and Sam but now they had evident evidence and reason to go to the social workers. Although most of the adults had raced out, one man, Earl who was a teacher of Aurora Middle and soon to become the principal which was how Avi,now knew the story (along with the rest town), stayed. And from his retelling,only he recounted (at nearly every Halloween and social issues assembly) that then he stayed singled in shock and in hoping to actually see Sam and Izzy physically walk into one of the wrecked homes, but thats not what happened. Instead, The bush some meters away from Mr.Peter (Earl) rustled and out shuffled the two girls in which the whole fuss was based on. Sam had silent tears streaming down her face. Izzy in recognition from as far as Mr.Peter, was raged her face completely overturned red. She seemed to scream something to Sam. Sam for once stood up for herself. Her cold logical voice echoing enough that Mr.Peter could hear, "Izzy, I understand you feel shameful. Look at this trash we live in, Am I right? But thats not important someone, everyone, perhaps can help! The way we live, I thought for the longest time was alright but its not, we shouldn't be living like this." Izzy really howled her next words," SAM! Don't you understand do you really think because I do a little mischievous prank here and there that I am just shameful? No thats you, stop. PROJECTING. You've always cared too much what others thought. But I actually care for OUR FAMILY, you know the ones we grew up with? Who provided for us? Now, we're going to be grabbed away from them with those wicked talons of social services!" The two girls glared at one another now both their faces red and eyes streaming, then in sync turned away from one another and ran separate directions. Izzy ran to a faded light blue house and swung the door and slammed it. Presuming that was her own house, Mr.Peter turned his head to Sam who was running to a nearby pier of the crumbly metal bridge that went over  the sandlot neighborhood.  Sam didn't stop to sit at the bottom of the pier,no, she twisted her scrawny legs onto it and started rapidly climbing. This is when Mr.Peter's senses kicked in little he realized that the a little girl climbing an unstable bridge, was not the best. But, before he could say anything the structure started wobbling, and everything collapsed. Mr.Peter was apparently far enough that when the ambulance came they found him mostly intact, except his chest. He was the only survival and as rumor and story goes the ones who died all wander around the street and land trapped, on the earth, still unable to accept the death of their miserable lives. Avi shook her head, she had no idea she had remembered the dumb children's town tale so vividly. Luckily, as she had been deep thought her legs moved for her and now Avi was only a some steps away from the street and bridge. After the incident of the bridge collapsing, which was very real and proved unlike the full fable,reconstruction advocates used it as a campaign for their protesting and finally the town board funded the construction of a new stable and safe bridge. It was unnamed, unlike the street but it was never problem because the area was as avoided as much as possible, and it was very possible. Even if it was dumb story to say at camp fired at night their was still a sense of forlorn to the place that the townsfolk all felt.  As Avi came close enough to the street that she could see it all in clear view she felt a spike of fear shoot through her. But she chided herself. "Don't be ridiculous, Avi! You can't be growing up and still let childhood stories still spook you. And if your to be anxious about anything it should be on whether this dumb fellow shows up." Than that was Avi's next worry for her remaining steps to the street. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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