Chapter 6

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Perhaps I am not crazy? Avi mused. The thought had a sort of beauty to it. Like fantasies that you have  as a child, exiting to dream about but so good it was always fake in a way. But then Avi held the note again. It made a satisfying crunch in her hand. Real. It was real, it was proof of her sanity. No vision could be this vivid, nor would she be able to feel it. But that in its self was scary. What could it mean? Her eyes glistened in excitement. That she was something more than human? That she could go on those adventures she read about continuously through weekends? But then those fictional stories were all better on paper and theory, they didn't always go into the PTSD the main characters probably had after having their loved ones taken away and being through all sorts of torture. But that sort of thing also may settle you for a plain life and appreciate it, like every Agatha Christie book proved. Avi sighed and got up from laying on the lumpy brown couch. She could not stand this internal turmoil coming with this raging debate she was having with herself. She sighed she'd come to a simple conclusion she'd go to the damn place written on the paper and if she came and no one showed up she'd confess all the crazy that's been going on to her to her mother and school counselor. She could only hope that if the second possibility happened she'd at least get a decent psychologist and only a few prescribed pills. With another sigh Avi went up stairs to go to her homework desk, after all she had a feeling,no matter what happened, she wouldn't have much time for that tonight. 

Avi's mom was sleeping. Perfect, Avi reflected. Her mom had come home around 7, much to Avi's irritation, because that meant dinner would be late. But it wasn't, her mom suggested takeout and Avi jumped at the idea, perhaps too much because her mom joked if her cooking was really bad after that and Avi just blushed and took note to be more subtle next time on hinting today would be good to have an early end. After pizza and a short(not really short but Avi and her mom only got to see the second half) episode of Grey Anatomy, Avi's mom kissed the top of Avi's head told her,"Don't stay up to long,kiddo" and headed up to hit the hay. Avi had told her mom that she had work, not a complete lie. She did have business to take care of. So when Avi finally heard a creak confirming that her mom plopped on down to the bed she grabbed a dust-beige messenger bag and worn out jean jacket (it could get quite cold, the Wisconsin nights) and headed out. She tried as quietly as possible to close the front door,  but the stupid thing may have made a weird creeek despite Avi's attempted stealthiness. When Avi was done closing it she held her breath and looked up to her mom's window, still dark, she exhaled and stood outside for a few seconds, listening, just in case. When she heard nothing she took a few steps and took out the crumbled paper from her jean jacket pocket. It read IZZY AND SAM Street/Boulevard, Aurora County, Wi, USA. Avi smiled, USA what an idiot?! Did that kid who gave her the dumb paper really think she didn't no the country of her own residence, or worse thought she may actually go out the country for this weird adventure. As for the address, to the common folk it might strike some confusion and the need for google maps but the residents and native people of their small town they grew up with the fork lore surrounding the legendary abandoned (yup the Antithesis was not lost on Avi) and usually vacant street (because of the ominous fork lore, actually). Anyway luckily Avi knew the way to the boulevard very well, it would be a bit of a walk but Avi didn't mind, after all she had a lot to think about. 

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