Chapter 29

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Summer's POV:
1 week later

"Come on. You can come with me to the midwife's appointment if you wake up!"
2 weeks and no reply.
I got up and left Aniqa and Arif to take care of my husband as I went to the midwife.

As soon as it was over, I ran back to the hospital as it wasn't very far and sat straight back down next to Ali.
A few minutes later, people came in to read Quran to Ali and noticed his hand moved and the nurses said he was hopefully getting better.
He'll wake up soon. I know it.

"So, what do you wanna eat? What shall I read to you?" I began to ask Ali-Nooh numerous, simple questions which I hoped would wake him up or maybe prompt a reply.
No reply. Then, I saw his mouth twitched and he whimpered.
With a gasp, I brought attention to this.

The doctor came in and asked the rest of us to go and wait outside for about 10 minutes.

"That's a very good sign." The doctor said with what seemed to be a nervous smile. Why was he nervous? Was Ali truly getting better? Was he lying to me?
I couldn't ask because then he pulled his phone out and walked away.

I stepped straight back in and sat down next to Ali. I fell asleep holding his hand but him twitching instantly woke me up.

"Ali, look, I know you're trying to wake up and I know you're trying hard, okay? Just carry on, you're doing so well, alhamdulillah."

I said, hoping and praying like mad he would wake up. Oh Allah please help me!
Then after 5 minutes of twitching be stopped.
Incalled the doctor, he wrote it down and injected a pale liquid into Ali-Nooh, to help him keep up to date with vitamins.
I just sat and stared at Ali.
It's as if I've memorised every detail of his face.

"Please Ali, I'm begging you now. Please wake up. I'm sorry if ever I hurt you. I'm sorry if I didn't tell you I loved you enough! I know how much that meant to you. But you need to come back, the babies and me need you. I will make up for anything now, I promise!"  I whispered helplessly.
No reply.

"Ali, it's been 2 weeks. PLEASE." A twitch. This time, instead of rushing to a nurse, I waited and made a silent Dua.
Oh Allah, save Ali. Please let him wake up. Oh Allah save my husband for my sanity and the sake of my unborn children.

"Summer." His green eyes were still closed and his voice was hoarse.
"Yes?" I thanked Allah and grabbed his hand, my eyes brimming with tears of joy.
"It's gonna be okay." He said croakily. Those words were rusty in his mouth but I was so glad I could hear them. I nodded, the tear making it's way down my cheek.
I grabbed his hand and pressed it against my cheek.
"I love you. Thank you so much for waking up. I love you Ali-Nooh." I whispered over and over again and he smiled faintly.
My heart trembled every time he blinked, scared he won't open those enchanting eyes again.

Then he stopped talking, with a lack of energy. He laid back down quietly and I called for a doctor to tell them he was getting better! He'd woken up, he's just asleep now!

He's asleep but he's awake.
I've finally got him back.
The doctor injected him with something else but I focused on and stared at Ali.
My husband. Mine. Awake and healthy. Alhamdulillah.

Suddenly, his body started convulsing. I gasped and the doctor rushed me out of the room.
I tried hard to get back in but no-one was letting me as I saw his body spasm.
I stood there through the glass window and watched the doctor call certain people.
After 20 minutes, one of the doctors came out.

"He's gone."

I cried (almost). Comment your reaction. Honestly.
Don't forget to vote, comment and share. Bye x

Gone, Never Coming BackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora