Chapter 1

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Fairy Tail does NOT belong to me,trust me if it did it wouldn't be exactly the same.

Mirajane's pov

It was a slow day in the guild and I was getting no where with my questioning Lucy- she just wouldn't crack.
"Come on Lucy would you please tell me?"I begged of her.I had a hunch on who Lucy liked, Natsu I presumed, they were always spending time together and when he got close to flirting she woukd always blush and giggle, but- Lucy wouldn't confirm her feelings for him so I was stuck asking, no- begging her to tell me. I would bug her but always get the same answer:
"No,Mira I really don't like anybody."
"Come on Lucy, you have to have a crush on someone."She just shook her head with an exhausted smile and stared down at her hands.
"Hey bunny girl can you get this idiot to stop bugging me?"I heard Gajeel call to the bar, Lucy's eyebrow arched and she clenched her teeth.
"First of all I have a name,"Lucy turned and glared at him,"and second- he's not my responsibility!" She finished with a small eye roll and turned back to the bar.
"Jeez sorry bunny- I mean Lucy."Gajeel replied before going back to fighting with Natsu. After he said that, I saw her smile slightly but hide it as soon as she realized she actually was smiling.
"It'd help if you just let yourself be happy."
"What Mira?"Lucy questioned with a puzzled look; I sighed deeply.
"You like Gajeel don't you?"I asked as Lucy blushed but said no, indirectly confirming my beliefs. I stared at her- she stared back- after five long miutes she caved.
"Ok,look I do like him a little,but.." She trailed off, there was no way she was actually going to ask him.. She couldn't.. Not after she just lost Natsu to Lisanna.

Gajeel's pov

That stupid prick Natsu decided to start bugging so I decided to ask the bunny girl to tell him to go away,I figured he would listen to her since she is his partner and best friend. When she got annoyed at me for calling her "bunny girl" and asking for help, I decided to say I was sorry, even though she wouldn't get the stupid prick to leave me alone.When I actually did say sorry, she didn't seem to notice before she continued to talk to the demon wench.Since I had enhanced hearing I could hear when the demon asked the bunny girl if she liked me and I couldn't hear her response.I suppose she denied it and I tried to listen to more, but then the shrimp came up and startled me.
"Hey Gajeel!" Levy greeted me with a cute smile.
"Oh,hey shrimp what's up?" I asked with a frown and she laughed uneasily.
" Gajeel are you doing anything for Christmas,because we usually have a party at the guild if you're interested in attending." She twiddled her thumbs as she explained.
"Will there be misletoe?"I asked.
"Yeahhhh, Mira kinda puts it up all over the place every year, she likes to get people together under it and get pictures of cute Christmas kisses." I thought for a moment and tested my luck with another question.
"Oh, and more importantly will the bunny girl, I mean Lucy be there?"
"Ummm...yeah, why is that more important though?" She raised a blue eyebrow at me.
"No,reason."I replied and looked away, why did I care though, I don't like her, do I?
"Do you liiiike her?" The shrimp inquired just like the fire bastard's stupid cat.
"Of course not she's just a bunny girl, with deep brown eyes and sexy blonde hair,and-"
"And you do like her." She finished as I sighed.
"Yeah,I guess I do like her,but you can't tell any one, or else.."
"Or else what iron guy?"
"Or- i'll tell every one about your little crush on you know who."
"Fine." She huffed and walked over to the sky dragon girl and her cat.

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