8. Falling

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I gasp and he slowly places his hand on my cheek and scoots closer to me and he kneels over my legs and I slowly move them down under him. I sigh into his mouth and he takes advantage of that and puts his tongue in my mouth and I jolt my knees up quickly and before I can stop myself, I hear him groan and cover his privates before rolling off of me. My eyes widen and I quickly grab his hand and he realizes what is happening because he grasps my other hand with his and hauls himself up. I groan and pull even harder and he uses his knees to come back up to where were. I lay down and sigh and he does the same. He turns his head to me and whispers "that was close, don't you think?" And I look at him and smile before nodding. He smiles and looks back up at the sky. I realized that time really passes by in this place. He looks at me before asking "What are you thinking?" And I look at him before pointing at my watch and snapping my fingers. And he nods and goes back to looking at the sky once again. "Yeah I realized that too." He says. I feel butterflies in my stomach when I realize he's the only person who actually understands me. Literally.

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