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So this is my first fanfiction, sorry if its not the best. I am still working on finishing it but I figured i'd go ahead and upload it

>>>>>>>>>>>>Draco pov >>>>>>>>>>>>

I check the stalls to make sure that no ones in the loo. I have to do this. Pansy was watching me the entire time at dinner, and eating anything less than a normal meal would have made her suspicious. I've been doing this for close to a year and a half. I don't even remember why I began in the first place but now I can't stop. Constant reminders flow from the Quidditch Team. Reminding me of exactly how heavy I am. "Fat ass", "giant", "thunder thighs", "Big Bertha". I decided a long time ago that enough was enough. I kneel in front of the toilet, trying to remember the puking hex. I've never been very good at charms. If only I could make a potion to help me vomit. I have to settle for the muggle way. I mentally set that onto the towering pile of reasons why I'm so useless. In one swift movement, I plunge my pointer and middle finger down my throat. Automatically, I purge up everything that I ate tonight. I repeat my actions one more time just to make sure that there is nothing left in my stomach. I cough a couple of times. The continuous vomiting day after day has taken it's toll on my body. Stomach acid comes up, causing my throat to itch and burn. Just as the pain is beginning to subside, I hear a toilet flush and a stall door open. Who is that? I must not have heard them come in. I could have swore that there was no one in here. I checked all of the stalls. I swallow shakily, then hesitantly open the door. It's... guess who. Potter. Bloody Potter. Why does it have to be him? Potter makes me nervous, really nervous. For a minute, I stare. I look at his luscious, jet black hair and his beautiful green eyes. Then I come back to my senses. What am I thinking? I perform my best 'act normal' strut on my way over to sink next to Potter. I pull my toothbrush out of my book bag, and turn the faucet on. I glance my eyes up. Potters staring at me with a puzzled expression, looking almost... worried.
In another attempt to act normal, I tilt my head back and assume an attitude.

-"Do you have a Bloody problem Potter?"

Now he looks even more confused. Or is that just his face?

- "Are you okay Malfoy?" He asks. Half stunned and half startled, I look down at my hands.

- "What's it to you anyways?" I say sheepishly after a short pause. I look at myself in the mirror, and try to gather my snobbish act back.
-"Must be something I ate." I add; just loud enough for him to hear.

He squints his eyes at me. He does not look convinced. I shift uncomfortably.

- "So its the food then?" He stares, looking at me with his intimidating green eyes. "Then why do you carry a toothbrush?" He thinks he knows it all does he?

- "Since when is my dental care any of your business Potter?" I snap, throwing my toothbrush into my bag.

He watches me for a moment.

- "That's the fourth time I've heard someone throwing up in here this week you know." He states acusingly.

- "Sod off Potter" I say in a mumble. I make a face at him. Then whip around and stamper for the door. As soon as the door closes behind me, I pick up my pace. I don't want Potter to be anywhere near me right now. How could my personal information be of any assistance to him anyways? Before I know it, I'm in front of the Slytherin House.


SO I KNOW ITS SHORT. I originally wrote it on paper so each page is going the be a bittttt small. Drarry is gonna happen I swear! I'm going to publish as soon as possible.!!

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