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So Hey ITS BEEN LIKE A WEEK! this chapter is going to be pretty long its about 4 pages of notebook paper so it'll be a few hundred words ^.^  ALRIGHT! I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS CHAPTER!!


I spend the next 2 classes dreading potions. I've got that class with Potter, and My greasy haired God father teaches it. I cringe. 10 more minutes. Just 10 more minutes until I have to see him. Maybe I should skip? No, Blaise and Theo would be suspicious. Now its 5 minutes. Oh Merlin, My bloody anxiety. No one has noticed in a year and a half that I've had any problems. So why now? I find myself scratching my wrist. I quickly stop, I don't want anyone to notice.. especially not now. 1 more minute. I have to get myself together. Pull it together Draco, Pull it together. ' You're okay, You're fine' I chant over and over in my mind. What would father say if he knew you were acting like this? He'd probably beat you. I mean... not that he needs a reason to, he'd do it anyways. You're a bloody Malfoy for Merlin's sa-. "dismissed" The professor announces. Bollocks. I get up, trying to linger to the back. its no use. I'm not saving myself any time. Before I know it, I'm approaching Snape's Door. I hesitate to go in, that is until Pansy appears and drags me in. I scan over the classroom. Potter's sitting in the front row with The Weasel and Granger. As always. Deciding that I want to sit as far away from him as possible, I take a seat in the back corner. I'm nervous. I drown myself in thought and stare at one spot on the wall for about 5 minutes.

- "Mr. Malfoy" says Snape "what are the ingredients for an invisibility potion?"

- "Uhhh" I hesitate "grass and um.."

- "Wronggg Mr. Malfoy, 5 points from Slytherin"

Everyone is staring at me now. 'nice going' I hear another Slytherin say. I fall back into my daze but this time its on The back of Potters chair.

- "MALFOY" I snap out of my thoughts

- "Come on, were going to the Great Hall" Blaise says while Pansy enthusiastically pulls on my arm.

I gather all of my things. Theo, Blaise, Pansy, and I walk to the Great Hall and sit down at the Slytherin Table. I sit between Pansy and Blaise. Not that I really had a choice. Pansy can be really annoying. I pretend to listen to their conversation. I catch a few words here and there, 'Hogsmead', 'butterbeer'. They must be talking about another trip to Hogsmead. I've decided to get myself food before one of them decides to badger me about it. I grab myself about a half a plate of food. I take small bites, trying to make it last for as long as possible so that I would finish when everyone else did. When we all finish, we start walking to class together.

- "I've got a headache I'm gonna go see if I can get something from the nurse." I lie

They all seem convinced. I don't go to the nurse, instead I head straight for the bathroom. I thumb the blade of the knife in my pocket. When I get there, I go in the stall that's closest to the back wall. I think about all of the things I ate for lunch. I'm so disgusted. I shove the same 2 fingers down my throat. I automatically retch. I feel that familiar burning sensation behind my eyes. I'm not going to class for the rest of the day, I have decided. I can't handle it. If I eat one more meal, My broomstick will snap in half when I get on it. I pull my robe off. My 'pocket knife', as the muggles call it, falls out of my pocket. It slides into the next stall. I reach under the wall that separates the two stalls and clutch the knife in my fist.

- "Malfoy?" I hear my name. I recognize that voice. Of course. How long has he been in here? Is he gonna follow me every time I go into the loo? I didn't check the stalls before I settled in. I slide down into the floor with my back against the stall door.

- "Malfoy.." He calls again, softer this time.

- "What are you doing here Potter?" I ask

- "I just-" I interrupt him before he can finish

- "How long have you been here?" I basically choke out

- " I-I came in after you and heard you get sick.. again" he stutters

- "And?" My words start to sound choked. "What do you care?"

- "I- Draco.." I break down into obvious, loud sobs. I try to make them stop but the struggle only makes it worse. He called me by my first name. I didn't think anyone remembered my  first name. I didn't think anyone cared. Everybody calls me Malfoy. Even my friends. He must have noticed that I'm crying because he hasn't said anything since he called me 'Draco'. I hope he doesn't think that he said something wrong. Then I hear him sit down with his back against the other side of the door. Tears are dripping off of my face. What's wrong with me? Doing all of this in front of someone, especially Potter. My arm itches. He is just on the other side of the door.. He won't know. Yeah. There's a door between us. After convincing myself, it'll be safe to do, I pick up the blade and waste no time pressing it against my skin. It stings. I do it again, and again, and again. I do it 12 times. My arm is covered in blood. a few drops get onto the floor. I grab some toilet paper and clean it off of the floor, and get as much as I can off of my wrist. Potter stands up. To my surprise, he knocks on the door.

- "what do you want?" I say tiredly

- "can you please come out?" He sounds a bit unsure of himself. I don't know what to say so I don't say anything.

- "I just want to see If you're okay, take as long as you want." He says sympathetically. I hesitate for a few minutes, thinking it over. Then I slowly begin to push myself to my feet. My knees are shaky. I pull my robe back on and shove the knife back into my pocket. I can't believe I am really doing this. I force myself to crack open the door and peak out. I slowly open the door and step out completely.

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