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>>>>TW // SELF HARM, F SLUR<<<<


Shit. That did not just happen. I drag myself towards my curtains. Potter knows a little too much. Wait. Does he? I didn't confirm anything. He acted as if he knew something. I can't think straight. I just don't want to think about it. I close my curtains, putting a charm on them to keep people out. No-one can get in. No-one can hear anything. I sit on my bed. I feel around in the drawer of my night stand. Then I touch something cold and metallic. I pull it out. Some muggle born gave it to me in 1st year. Oh, if my parents found out that I have mudblood possessions, I would be in for it. I pull out the knife. It's sharp, dangerously sharp. What am I thinking? I've never done this before, but it comes so naturally. I touch it's blade to the skin on my left wrist, and hesitiate. Merlin, I can see every single one of my veins. I'm so pale. I'm too white, too disgusting, too... imperfect. All I can feel right now is disgust for myself. I press down. The sharpness of the blade makes me instantly draw blood. I slide it across my skin. The blood drips onto my pants. I feel as if I could pass out. I proceed to do it 7 more times. I lay in a small patch of blood that landed on my bed sheets. My arm is weak. I am weak. I think about Potter again. Why does he even care? Why do I even care? I've never cared about what he thought about me before. Also, he hasn't liked me since... ever. It really hurt me when 'the boy who lived' rejected my friendship in our first year. Even before I started school at hogwarts, I had heard stories of this magical boy who survived the hand of you-know-who. Although my parents would never approve, I couldn't help but admire him. How could I even let this happen? Thinking about Harry makes my lip start to quiver. Why does he get to be so perfect? Why am I so not? And the worst thought of all... Why can't I have him? Stop it Draco Malfoy. You're not gay. You're not a f*gg*t. I tell myself this. Am I? I lay face down and let out a few sobs into my pillow. Fuck this life I have.



So I'm really, really, sorry I wasn't expecting this chapter to be this short :( but the next chapter is going to be twice as big as this one *^* ILY ALL YOU DRARRY PEOPLE.

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