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3 am
I stop directly in front of the portrait of the fat lady. It's well past hours, but I don't right care. If a professor were to catch me out past hours, what would they do? Punish me? I don't think so. They all pity me.

"You'd better get back to your dormitory dear, it's past h-" The fat lady starts, almost too fast for comprehension until I cut her off.

"BowTruckle" I voice determinedly, revealing the entrance to the Gryffindor common room. A certain sandy haired boy whips his head around to investigate. Seamus Finnigan.

"You're not supposed to be in the Gryffindor house, Malfoy." Seamus proclaims, slowly raising his wand. As if he scares me. Him, the boy who blows up everything in sight with the simplest of spells.

"Yeah, yeah Finnigan. Don't wet your pants. Just forget I'm here." I ignore the boy's threatening stance, and stride right past him up the stairs.

Two minutes. That's how long it takes me to walk to Harry's door. Through my anxiety, two minutes feel like ten. I sense my heartbeat in my throat. My arms feel heavy and my head grows hot. I can do this. Breathe. You can do this Draco. My attempts to calm myself fail. I catch sight of the door to Harry's dorm and freeze. I'm scared. What if he doesn't want to see me? What if he doesn't accept my apologies? What if he tells me to leave? Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

I hear movement on the other side of the door. I had expected him to be asleep, but then again I've never known Harry to sleep easy when times are tough.

I knock twice, very softly and almost inaudible out of fear that I'll wake up other students. I knock again, this time slightly harder. I don't want to just open the door. I feel as if I've lost that privilege. I hear a shuffle, and then the doorknob turns. My heartbeat picks up speed again, this time faster. A boy I've never seen before slowly opens the door as he catches sight of me. He's got hair messier and greasier than usual. The dark circles under his eyes tell me that he hasn't slept normally for days. His dull green eyes meet mine. I have done this to him. His eyes were once so full of life and adventure. Harry has always put his stubbornness and strength on display; I'd almost forgotten that he too is capable of the same heartbreaking emotions that I am. I wish that I could take away all his pain.

"Harry" I breathe out, as I cup his swollen cheeks in my hands. He wastes no time clinging onto me. I've missed his embrace. He settles his face into the crook of my neck, and I hold him for the first time in almost a week. "I'm so sorry, Love." I manage out. I want to explain to him how horrible I feel. I want to make it clear that my goal is for him to be happy. I want to make things right for being so selfish.

"I love you" Harry struggles through muffled sobs. "Can we talk through this in the morning? Right now all I want is to feel your warmth next to me. Please, I've missed you."

"Of course." I kiss his forehead and guide him towards the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2019 ⏰

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