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When I wake up my head is pounding. I feel as if I'd just had a hangover. The events of last night swim through my thoughts. I pull myself to my feet and start walk to the bathroom. I'm trying to clear my head, but the memories of yesterday keep holding me back. I feel like my anxiety is holding my mind captive, whispering negative thoughts into my minds ear. Its Thursday. I have no choice but to get ready. On another note, today's classes aren't so bad I suppose. I lock the bathroom door behind me and turn on the faucet. For a moment I just stare blankly at the running water. Then I roll up my sleeve. It's a disturbing sight. I test the water temperature with my fingers to make sure that it's not too hot. Afterwards I position my arm underneath the running water.  I wince, It stings. The dried blood from my arm begins to melt off, and slowly turns the water a light pink. How sad. All of that blood gone to waste. After I turn off the water, I dry myself off and walk back to my curtains. I take my time putting together a clean outfit. Of course, hogwarts requires a uniform. But at the same time, I want to make sure that I look decent. After dressing myself, I slip on my shoes and walk over to my mirror. I don't know what's wrong with me today, I don't feel like putting gel in my hair. It takes too much tome and effort. I'm slowing beginning to give up on my appearance. I'm slowly losing interest in little things like this. I try to pat my hair down a little bit. That didn't do much. I don't feel like struggling with it today. When everything is somewhat in place, I walk down to the common room. I find Blaise and Theo on the couch.

"Hey we've been waiting, what took you so long?" Blaise calls upon seeing me.

"I over slept." I answer. They both eye me over, but neither of them protest or question my response.

We start walking to the Great Hall for Breakfast. As soon as we enter, my eyes linger over to the Gryffindor table. They land on a certain black haired boy. He seems like he has no cares what so ever, laughing with his friends - The Weasel and Granger. We make eye contact for a second before I look away. I feel my face get hot. Oh merlin, I hope he didn't see that. I don't want my 'friends' to notice that I'm not eating anything, so I tell them that I'm going to the bathroom. I wasn't lying. I am going to the bathroom. I walk out and head straight there. I don't feel like being around anybody right now. I open the door then go into a stall.  I don't even bother locking it, I just don't care anymore. Even though nothing terrible has happened, I feel like shit. That means my day will be shit. Everything is shit. I sit myself down on the toilet lid with my face buried in my palms. Breath, Draco, Breath is what I keep repeating under my breath. I hear the creak of the bathroom door. I peak my head out to see who it is, then lock eyes with Potter. Does he have to keep doing this? This is obviously no coincidence. He has to be following me or something. The twat.

"So you're going to start following me into the loo now?" I say irritably and step out of the stall.

He stops, there's a small pause.

"I saw you didn't eat anything at breakfast." He says after a while of silence.


"You barely ever eat." Harry observes. So he did know. Why am I so bloody stupid?

"Damn Potter you must be some sort of genius." He frowns.

"You don't have to do that you know." He takes a step forward. I flinch and take a small step back.

"Do what?" I try to sound unaware but It comes out sounding more nervous than I had intended.

"Starve yourself like this. You're already as thin as your broomstick." Harry says softly.

Is Potter.. pitying me? Was that pity? I don't want anybody's pity. Let's just throw a pity party why don't we? He hates me. I'm a Malfoy. He should hate me. I hate me too.

"We're going to be late to class." I change the subject. Harry looks at me concerned as I walk closer to him. I can't be in here. I feel Harry's stare on me as I push past him. I head for the door.

"Malfoy..." Harry starts. I ignore him and start for my classroom.



IM SORRY IT SUCKS BUT TO BE FAIR, IM NOT A PROFESSIONAL EITHER SO HEY. If you loved it tho then I love you. I don't care who you are or the crimes you have committed- I love you in general. <3

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