Part 8: Dan's POV

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I feel my eyes flutter open, and the warm sensation of Phil lying next to me. I smile as I come to a realization. He is mine now. He is my Phil Lester and nothing can change that. I'll always remember him. I'll never leave him again.
I feel Phil take a deep breath then stretch. He has awoken.
"Good morning," he said as he was stretching, smiling at me.
"Good morning, Phillip." He sat up a bit and kissed my forehead. "Want to go eat some breakfast?"
"Can we just stay here for a little while longer?"
"I'm okay with that," I smile and kiss him on the lips. He kissed back. I'm glad that this is how most of our mornings will be from now on.
Phil pulled away. Seemingly reluctant. "What's wrong?" I said, slightly concerned.
"Well, it's just that, I'm so happy you're back. I can't begin to say how glad I am to be able to hold you while you're awake instead of cuddling up in a ball next to your sleeping body without you being able to hug me back." Tears start to fall from his eyes as he remembered, tracing the outline of his pale face. Then he starts to sob. "Don't ever leave me again."
I am touched by him feeling this way. I had no idea how much he loved me. I suddenly felt so terrible for leaving him, even if it wasn't my fault. I could have tried to stay awake. I then felt my own tears trickle from my eyes like a waterfall. "I'm sorry! I'll never leave you. Ever. And even if something happens, I still haven't left. Okay?" I say between sobs. He lays down and buries his head in my chest and nods. "I know. Thank you." We cry together.
We let it all out. After what happened, nothing will be the same. Even if things get back to normal, we will always remember. We can never forget.
I sniffled and tried to calm down. "You know, Phil, without that accident, we probably wouldn't be in this position right now. It brought us closer. If you ask me, it was worth it." With that he looked up at me and smiled the biggest smile I think I have ever seen. He presses his lips to mine and I felt his tears caress my cheek. But, they weren't sad any more. They were tears of joy. Nothing can pull us apart now.
I pull away slightly and take a shaky breath. "We should-- we should go have some breakfast. We can watch some anime together."
Phil sniffs. "Yeah. That's a good idea. Let's do that." I crack a small smile.
We eventually get up to go have some breakfast. We sit next to each other on the crease of the couch and then I sit up straight with a gasp due to a sudden realization.
"PHiL! WE HAVE to TeLL oUr FaNs that I'm okay!! Do they know yet???"
Phil's eyes widened. "Oh my god you're right! No they don't. Let's go make a video right now! We have to put it up today!"
"Yes let's go let's go let's go." We both set our bowls on the table, only half eaten. We rushed to get everything set up. We didn't even bother getting out of our pajamas. This was too important. Phil pushed the record button and started vlogging.
"Say hi, Dan! Tell everyone how you feel."
"Oh well, I'm all better! I've still got a a few stitches and I feel pretty weak, but I'm glad to be back." I smiled as wide as I could. Phil then plopped down onto the bed and started filming both of us together.
"Yeah guys! Dan's all better! Sorry this is a little late, but it was only last night where things got truly back to normal," said Phil. I winked at him, not even embarrassed that millions of people were going to see this soon. "Want to tell them what happened, Dan? I think they want to hear it from you."
I hesitated. "Alright... I might cry though." I forced a quick smile and began.

Phil's POV:
"We were just on a typical dinner date. We were in a cab on the way home so that we could 'test out' the new scented candles I got Phil," he said with a small chuckle. "Then, umm. Then we crashed. The last thing I remember before I was out for 6 months was Phil's eyes. I believe I said something to you Phil. I don't remember. What was it?"
I stared into his eyes. "Well, you said that it would be okay... And that you wouldn't let go and that you love me. I said..." I started to shake and I awkwardly fixed my hair and hugged my shoulders and then immediately put my hands back down.
"I said that I loved you too. I wouldn't let you be gone."
At that point, Dan knowing what I had said to him before he had went to sleep, Dan's face melted and he started crying a bit. He threw his arms around my waist. I hugged him back, holding the back of his neck.
"Guys; we really missed each other." I slowly pulled away but slid my hand down to Dan's hand and kept it there. "We promise nothing like this would happen again. I know it was horrific for you but you can't even fathom how terrible it was for me. Dan came back and he had no idea who he was or who I was. But luckily, that only lasted for a short time. He's back."

Dan's POV
"I'm back guys!" I laughed. I suddenly realized how lucky I am. The relief I feel is almost overwhelming. I was staring at Phil watching him doing the traditional end screen, "give us a thumbs up." Fuck it.
I pulled his face towards mine and pressed my lips against his. They seemed to know what to do as they moved with his. I touched my hands to his waist and tucked them under his shirt. I felt his large pale hands caress the back of my neck.
I pulled away the slightest bit to take take a breath. That made me realize I forgot to breath. I smiled and shakily exhaled. I suddenly remembered we were filming. I pulled away quickly and said "So YEAH. Click on Phil's face to subscribe to him and click on my fringe to subscribe to me and tickle our bellies to subscribe to our gaming channel so yeah bYe love you all!"
I clicked off the camera and we both started laughing. Truly laughing. It was a feeling I haven't really felt in a long time. I missed it. I'm glad it's back.

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