one: reunited and it feels so good.

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"You know, you could've at least warned me." I said into my phone, "I know Lily is a free spirit and spontaneous and all but a little warning would've been great, dad." I said lightly as I read my worn copy of 'The Great Gatsby'. It was mid day here in Vegas and the temperature was boiling. It was mid summer and the numbers were in the triples. Thankfully, I was saved from any interaction with the heat outside by being in the airport waiting for my flight to Forks, Washington.

"I know, honey, but we weren't really sober at the time of our short but beautiful wedding," Her father's deep and gruff voice came out in a breathy chuckle, "We can't really do anything about it now since we're already in London but hey, we aren't complaining and besides, you've always wanted to go visit your mother and brother. It's been a few years, eh?" Her father reminded trying to keep his voice light.

Truth be told, the topic of my real mother and my older brother Sam was always touchy ground with dad. I never understood why and never bothered asking in respect for him. I only remember visiting my mother and brother once and that was when I was five. Dad had gone with me and we didn't last long or should I say he didn't last long. For some reason, my father was haunted by the place he had grown up in and refused to have any connection to that place.

I could never understand why. Forks, in my five year old memory, was beautiful and lush. Despite the sun hardly shining, it was still majestically beautiful. Green for as far as the eye can see. For a person who hated the heat, Forks was sounded like Heaven. I loved the rain. Whenever we were graced with rain in Vegas I would sit by the window curled up in a warm, fuzzy blanket and watch the weather with peace.

I've always kept in contact with my mother. She calls nearly every day. Sam calls every few weeks but not as much. Mom tells me that Sam has a lot on his plate these past few months but won't get into detail why. Despite, me being curious I couldn't pry. It wasn't my place.

I was definitely excited. Dad, after our last visit to L.A Push, refused to ever go back and forbade me of ever going again. So, the thought of ever returning had been wiped away from my mind until today. I was extremely excited. My body was filled with absolute glee and joy. I was finally going to see my mother and older brother! After all these years, I was overjoyed at the thought.

I tuned back into reality realizing that my father was babbling with Lily about London. I blinked when I looked at the line for my flight and saw that the plane had arrived and people were already. It wasn't a direct flight but I doubt this many people were going to Forks. "Hey, dad I gotta go! My flight is here and people are lining up!" I cut him off as I hurriedly put my book into my backpack and got up heading towards the line.

"Alright, sweetie, text me when you get to your mothers house, okay? Lily says to be safe. No boys, do you hear? I don't want to hear about any boys, got that? No one is good enough for my Princess." Dad loudly stated earning laughter from Lily and an eye roll form me.

"Yes, dad, I will text you and no boys. Boys have cooties." I humored him.

He gave a satisfied laugh, "Atta' Girl! Love you!"

I quickly replied back and hung up the phone and eagerly waited the long flight to Washington.

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