ten: welcome back.

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"You seem to have gained all the natural abilities that normal Kitsune's have," Grandmother Sora said thoughtfully as she took a seat between Amie and Gabriel. It had been a few hours after I had woken up and I was being taught the basics of being a Kitsune. As a pre-caution Gabriel was being sent to monitor my progress for the next few days; To be quite honest, I wasn't sure how that would turn out especially since Jacob nearly bit his head off last night but I was quite thrilled about it.

"But usually high status Kitsune does receive powerful abilities so, we shall see in the n ext few days what will happen. I am certain that you will receive at least one ability." Grandmother Sora concluded nodding as she took a sip of herbal green tea.

I was lazily sprawled out in Kokako's head but I was listening very intently to everything Grandmother Sora was saying. I was still a bit uneasy about this whole experience but...I didn't regret it in the slightest. Despite being a bit nervous about my new existence as a Kitsune I was eager to see what the future held in store for me.

"I see," I said quietly as I sat up on Kokako's massive head, "What kind of ability? Like, elemental type of stuff?" I suddenly gasped loudly, "I am going to be a water bender? 'Cause that would be so freakin' cool!" I squealed nearly falling off of Kokako's head.

Everyone seemed a bit confused on what I had just said but Grandmother Sora shook her head, "We range from different types of abilities depending on the type of the Kitsune." She murmured almost as if she were deep in her own thoughts.

I arched an eyebrow, "There are different types of Kitsune's?" I asked confused.

Gabriel nodded, "Yeah, they are about thirteen different kinds of Kitsune. The most powerful are Celestial and Void Kitsune's. Most of us here are Forest Kitsune's but Grandmother Sora and I are Celestial Kistune's. Most villages of Kitsune's have one or two Celestial Kistune's or even Void Kitsune's. They are usually the leaders." Gabriel explained with a small grin.

"So, what type of Kitsune am I?" I asked with curiosity.

Grandmother Sora and Gabriel exchanged unsure glances. "What is the matter? Do you foxes not know what she is, exactly?" Kokako rumbled impatiently when neither Grandmother Sora nor Gabriel spoke up. Kokako can really be a grouchy pants but that was because he wasn't good at socializing.

Gabriel shot Kokako a dirty, dry look but Grandmother Sora didn't look bothered at all by Kokako's bluntness, "Well, you see, we weren't sure what class of Kitsune Lady Serena was going to come out as but when Gabriel and I first scented her...well, it was a bit odd because her scent constantly changes. At first, she had smelt like a Celestial but not even a few seconds later did her scent change into one of a Thunder Kitsune and then a River Kitsune and so on and so forth. It was quite odd and intriguing. So, I believe she has very part of class of Kitsune in her."

I sniffed myself, "That's weird. What does that mean for me? Being thirteen different kinds of Kitsune, I mean." I asked as I began to long climb down Kokako.

"I am not sure," Grandmother Sora said quietly, "We can only wait until you've matured enough to develop your abilities." She said looking a bit uneasy.

I didn't like her expression. Grandmother Sora looked like the type of woman to rarely be affected by anything but the look of uneasiness didn't sit well with me. I merely shrugged it off and would ask Gabriel about it later.

"What will other Kitsune think when they hear about her? She might be in any danger but what of your kind?" Jinx, the Harpy, had been silent these past few hours as she sat upon in the tree. This was the first time she had spoken since I had woken up. Her question had struck a nerve with me and it was then I realized how right she was. Whereas, there were good foxes there was also bound to be bad ones.

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