nineteen: serena's party 1

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I had been right. Ekko had decided to remain in his forest and Gabriel had returned alone. I was quite sad to see Gabriel without the little furry thief. I had grown quite close to him and to suddenly have him was strange. Gabriel had returned with answers to the alarming questions we had about the night that Gabriel and I were attacked by vampires. Gabriel explained to us what Grandmother Sora told him. The second wave of vampires who attacked us was a group of older vampires who had been drawn by our presence while fighting off the newborns. By the way they had attacked; from what Grandmother Sora could piece together from what Gabriel told her, was that those vampires had had experience hunting Kitsunes.

The way they dodged our abilities and such suggested that they had hunted others of our kind. It wasn't a surprise but it was worrying to hear. I knew vampires have had history hunting my people from what Sam and Paul first told me about Kitsunes. Anyway, when the vampires attacked us they went for me since they could since sense I was a lot more powerful and young as well. In doing so, they used a sort of poison to immobilize my abilities. It was the reason why I wasn't healing at all even after the attack. Whatever the poison was Gabriel had brought me the antidote but the downside was that...that it would take a few days until I was fully recovered. I was scared with this new information but I was glad that Sam, Jacob, and the boys had terminated those vampires stopping them from ever hurting another Kitsune again.

The return of Gabriel had happened three days ago and today marked the fourth day which meant that today was my birthday. It was early in the evening and I had just gotten back from school. It had been pretty interesting to say the least. They boys were keen on making it known that it was my birthday with their constant happy birthdays through the school day. Although, the few friends I did have aside from the boys did wish me a happy birthday. As stated before, my abilities were slowly coming back. I had my enhanced senses back which were a relief. I felt so useless not being able to call out the boys as they sneaked up on me.

I could shift; something I discovered late last night. I couldn't shift for long which was a sign that the poison was still in my system. I couldn't use my wormholes either and my communication with the trees wasn't strong. It as if I had a weak connection when speaking with them; it was faint but hopefully but by the end of the week I would be fully recovered and the poison would be completely out of my system.

Emily and Sam were off at my mother's getting the food ready for the dinner we were having. The boys were running patrols making sure everything was in the clear for tonight. Hopefully nothing would happen tonight. Gabriel had taken off with Raven and told me he had to go pick up my present from in town. It left me alone in my house. I was looking for something nice to wear as I stood in my room in a black Victoria Secret bra and matching panties. I was digging through the pits of my closet for something remotely nice for a nice dinner with my mother and loved ones. I mean, I was the birthday girl I could just wear whatever the hell I wanted and get away with it but Emily had persisted that I wear something really nice before Sam whisked her away towards my mother's place.

I groaned as I sat on the ground in front of my closet with clothes thrown around. It looked like a tornado had stormed through my room. I was rubbing my temples when I hear someone opening the French doors. I blinked as I tilted my head to the side wondering who it could possibly be. Gabriel had barely left forty minutes ago. Was he back already?

I shrugged and turned my attention on finding something to wear and grumbling under my breath as I heard footsteps heading towards my room. I smirked once I heard their footsteps. It was one way to determine who was who. Gabriel's footsteps were light with more pressure on his heels then anything. These footsteps belonged to someone else. They were Jacob's. Jacob always walked with an impatient step in his stride. The door opened and I glanced up to see my handsome wolf boy. His eyes swept the entire room with an arched eyebrow before they landed on my half dressed form. His eyes darkened slightly as they stayed trained on my chest where his cluster of hickeys still remained. They were faded to a shade of bruised yellow. It reminded me yet again of how my healing had yet to return.

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