twenty-four: bella's switzerland

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The weeks that passed by were full with unknown tension. It wasn't between the vampires and, there was this ominous feeling that lingered around both our territories. There hadn't been any sightings of any vampires passing through. There were no signs of any danger but...but something had shifted in the air and I knew it wasn't good. Gabriel, Leah, and I were returning from a training session. Leah was slowly getting over the whole Sam thing. She was able to tolerate him now...and I had gotten her to at least be civil with Emily.

I don't think she blamed Emily at all...but it still hurt Leah to look at Emily.

Emily was having a huge pack dinner. It wasn't to celebrate anything. Emily figured since Sam had the boys running tight shifts with patrols and the danger that was potentially lurking...that she would lighten everyone up with her marvelous cooking. My mom, Sue, and the other pack mothers were over hustling and bustling making a meal fit for an army. The boys were running around getting the table and chairs ready. Plates were being placed along with forks and spoons. Sam was making sure none of the idiots broke anything.

Jared was playfully kissing Kim as she tried to set the food down on the long, large table.

Paul, Embry, and Quil were fighting over the seats. Jacob and Seth were helping the pack mothers with the food. It was a comfortable and heartwarming sight to come home to. "Hey," Leah's rough voice grabbed my attention, "Can I shower in your room and borrow some clothes? I stink." She scowled.

I smiled, "Sure," She knew she didn't have to ask, "Since you come over all the time," I teased making her face turn into a mean scowl, "I cleared out the bottom left drawer for you." Leah would never admit but we were definitely close now. We balanced each other out in a weird and odd way. I liked Leah...despite her brash and harsh demeanor...she was extremely loyal and kind. She understood a lot of things I would tell her about even if it was stupid and random babbles.

Leah's scowl softened and she nodded, "I'll be back." She glided swiftly through the mass of people, avoided getting hit in the face by a plate that Embry had thrown, and punched Paul in the balls for no apparent reason.

Paul gasped and clutched his crotch as the boys all howled with laughter, "O-Oh, god! Why!?" Paul cried as his eyes shot daggers at Leah.

Leah, walking backwards, flipped him off with a dark smirk on her face before disappearing into my room. "Why are you friends with that bitch, baby sister?" Paul whined in pain.

I giggled, "Because she's awesome."

"She can probably kick your asses too if you mess with Serena too much." Gabriel commented with a smirk as my mother kissed his cheek in greeting.

"My baby," My momma cooed at me kissing my cheek as week, "How was training?" Her large brown eyes stared down at me.

I smiled lovingly at my mother, "Intense but good, Leah's getting pretty advanced now that we've channeled away her anger." I informed knowing that my mother almost always worried about Leah. Momma looked relieved and nodded in approval.

"Good, that's good to hear. That poor girl deserves some happiness in her life." Momma murmured.

"Mom, can you get Paul off of Embry before they break my table!?" Sam snapped from the kitchen as he tried to balance several plates at once. Emily was giggling wildly at Sam. Sam glared playfully at Emily as my mother glided away from me and towards Paul and Embry. Both boys looked terrified with the advance of Momma Uley.

"Honey-belle!" Emily called me.

I swivel my head to look at Emily, "Yeah, Em?"

She smiled brightly but I swear I saw some type of mischief flash through her eyes, "Can you please go grab a few more chairs from the back shed? We might have some pack elders joining us today." Emily chimed sweetly.

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