The Start of a Journey

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Bag End was at the top of the hill in Hobbiton, it was a cosy place home to Bilbo and his nephew and heir Frodo.

Bilbo adopted Frodo after his parents had an unfortunate accident on the Brandywine River, and had brought him to live in Bag End from Brandy Hall. And thus any hope for the Sackville-Bagginses to acquire Bag End were finally dashed.

Mariliel came to the front gate and could see through the windows that Gandalf was already there. The green door was already open so she just walked in, leaving her cloak and her bow and quiver by the door.

Gandalf was in deep conversation with Frodo, knowing that the information he was giving Frodo was important Mariliel quietly looked around the hobbit hole.

There was lots of furniture and trinkets, homemade gifts acquired over the years. The pantry was well stocked and there was a kettle over the fire. 

“Mariliel come here” called Gandalf from the living room

Doing as she was told Mariliel entered silently and stood in the doorway,

”Frodo this is Mariliel, she will be accompanying you on your journey”

Frodo nodded in her direction then turned back to Gandalf,

“But why can’t I just hide the Ring? Why do I have to destroy it?”

“Were you not listening to anything I was saying? The Ring wants to be found. It’s calling out to its Master, and he will not stop until he has it back.”

Mariliel cut in, “It is no longer safe for you to be here anymore Frodo, we must leave as soon as possible. I will take you to Rivend—“

She didn’t get to finish because Gandalf had leaned out the window and plucked a terrified hobbit from the bushes outside,

“Samwise Gamgee have you been eavesdropping?” Gandlaf boomed

“I’ve been droppin’ no eaves sir. Please don’t turn me into anything… unnatural” he blubbered

Gandalf put Sam down, “Well I suppose you have a third person for your quest now Frodo. Now quickly you must prepare for your journey” turning to Mariliel, “I shall go ahead to Bree. Meet me there at The Prancing Pony Inn. Keep them safe”

“Of course Gandalf” and with that he was gone

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