Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

*Author P.O.V*

"I know it doesn't look like it but I am. I never had the time to actually really date someone with me being a doctor and all. My past relationships only last about two to three months. Even then, there wasn't much foreplay. There was kisses given only." Zayn explains while sitting up when Harry gets off of him.

"We can take things slow until you're ready. I won't mind." Harry says and Zayn smiles at him.

"Thank you for understanding. It really means a lot to me." Zayn says and Harry leans over to kiss him on the lips softly.

He pulls away after a few seconds and looks at Zayn to see him blushing and looking anywhere but at the green eyed male. Harry just wants to pinch his cheeks so bad right now but he will himself not to do it because he doesn't want to come off as a creep. He can't understand how someone can be so adorable yet so sexy. He wishes he could have found Zayn a long time ago so he wouldn't have experience the past cheating, lying, and the heartbreak. Zayn and him could possibly be married right now if they were to have met in the past. It may seem strange to say that but Harry sees them as being really compatible. He could bring out the adventurous side of Zayn and Zayn could bring out the chill side of him.

Harry is taken out of his thoughts when Zayn starts to buckle his belt. He gets off the bed and goes to the kitchen to make the doctor some food as a apology for earlier. He gets out some ingredients when he starts to hear Niall play some music. He lets out a laugh and nods his head to the music. The next thing he knows is that his hips are swinging to the music with his tongue sticking out. He sits the spoon in his mouth before his hands run down his chest to his crotch. He turns around and almost let's out a scream when he sees Zayn standing there watching. He blushes deeply and quickly turns away from the smiling doctor. He takes the spoon out of his mouth and scrathes the back of his head. He's never felt this embarrassed before. He looks down at the sizzling pan of food praying that Zayn didn't record him at any point.

"No no. Please continue." Zayn begs while giving Harry a fake pout with his hands clasp together.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to see that. I just got carried away. Just please forget that you ever saw that." Harry explains, trying not to cringe.

"Oh come on. There's no need to be sorry. I liked your dancing. It's better than what I can do." Zayn says as he walks over to Harry and gives him the best puppy dog eyes he can.

"I probably looked crazy." Harry says covering his face with his hands then slowly dragging them down his face.

Harry rolls his eyes at Zayn's cuteness and gives in. The spoon in his hand is place on the counter and he turns to the hazel eyed male. A smile comes up on his face and he starts to shimmy. A chuckle leaves Zayn's mouth as Niall turns up the music a little more. The fire on the stove is turn down a little bit by Harry before he rolls his body against Zayn's side. His bottom lip is taken between his teeth while his eyes look into Zayn's. Any other person would have notice the seduction in his eyes, however, Zayn isn't like other people. He just smiles at him while Harry wraps his arms around his shoulders. They dance together with the thought of the food long forgotten. They just enjoy each other's company for the time being. This is the most fun they have had in a while. The doctor hopes that there will be more moments like this with the taller male.

They stop dancing once the music is turn off and they laugh at how weird they look right about now. Zayn's hands are place on Harry's waist with his foot off the floor. Harry can't help himself and finds himself lifting Zayn's chin up to kiss him softly. Their eyes shut automatically and they enjoy the kiss. Harry pulls away and is about to go in for another one but the timer for the food goes off. He stops his lips from coming in contact and pull away with a laugh. He turns back to the food and Zayn goes to grab two plates, forks, and cups. A few seconds later they are sitting on the couch in the living room. The television is playing some movie off of Neflix about a troublesome child name Kevin. The hazel eye male is really into the movie and Harry can't help but to stare sometimes. He is still kind of shock about the information he has been told by Zayn earlier. He really wants to jump him right now but he controls himself.

"This food is really amazing by the way." Zayn says once the movie goes quiet for a second.

"Are you just saying that to make me happy or because I'm pretty?" Harry teases with a simple smile.

"Not at all. You're pretty whether you can cook or not. You're more than pretty in my eyes anyway." Zayn explains, turning his head to look at green eyes.

Harry puts a hand to his heart at the comment while his other hand sits his plate on the coffee table. He uses that hand to wipe away fake tears from his eyes. Laughter erupts from Zayn at the silly action. The two go back to eating and watching the movie in silence. The two are cuddle together by the time that the movie goes off. Zayn's fingers are slowly running through Harry's hair. The gesture makes the taller male sleepy. Harry glances up at Zayn and slowly leans close to his face. He can't help himself. Zayn just have very kissable lips to him. Zayn follows along until their lips come in contact with each other. He closes his eyes and his fingers stop going through Harry's hair. Niall is walking out of his apartment and about to approach Harry's since he's been calling his best friend for the longest. He didn't get a answer so he figure why not stop at his place. He wants to see how the little date is going. He is about to knock on the door but Louis is coming down the hall calling his name.

"What are you doing?" Zayn questions when Harry unbuckles his pants and unzips it.

"Let me take care of you for a few minutes." Harry says with a grin as he gets off the couch while spreading Zayn's legs open.



Thoughts??? Predictions??? I had to update this because a few people really wanted this to be updated so I figure why not. I've abandon this story for far too long. I think its time for a change.

Bye my Summer Breeze.🇮🇹🇬🇧🇫🇷

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