Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

*Author's P.O.V*

"Our dinner is ready mister Styles." Niall states ten minutes later while putting on a French accent.

"It smells so delicious. Thank you so much chef." Harry says with a terrible French accent as well.

The dinner went really great. They sat at the dining table with scentless candles around them. They got to share somethings with each other that they never did with anyone. That really seem to bring them super close. They look at each other in such a different light now. Harry sees him as a really empathetic, diligent, intuitive, and impartial person. At first, he just thought of him as hilarious, daring, and laid back guy. Niall, on the other hand, sees him as an amiable, gregarious, and proactive. He thought he would never see that side of him since he usually sees the sometimes affectionate, witty, and stubborn side.

After the dinner, they clean up then give each other the look. Though they had a great day, they were really looking forward to this moment. This is the first time that they are going to be having sex as an actual couple now. They walk toward the bedroom already unbuttoning their pants on the way there. They strip themselves quickly of their clothes once they are inside the room. Niall lays down on his back then patting his lap for Harry to join him. He grabs his hips the second he gets on top of him. They make out for a bit while groping each other before the curly hair male pulls away out of breath.

"This time I'm riding you until we both orgasm." Harry states, pointing a finger at him.

"Got it darling." Niall replies with a head nod and a thumbs up.

"I'm serious this time. No funny business." Harry responds, pushing his hair out of his face.

"Alright. No funny business." Niall says before leaning up to leave a hickie on his neck.

"Oh god yes!" Harry moans out with his knees being push more into his chest as his prostate is hit.

It only took two minutes into their fucking that Niall ended up flipping their position. Harry was going to complain but the moment his prostate was hit he completely forgot about it. They are now six minutes in and he currently lays here with his hands clutching at his boyfriend's back. His orgasm is right at the edge. He closes his eyes tightly moaning again. His back arches as his orgasm finally rattle his body. Niall is orgasming after him five seconds later. He rests his head in the older male's neck as he sits still through his orgasm. The both of them stay like that for a minute before they lay side by side.

"What did I say?" Harry questions while panting heavily as he lightly hits his boyfriend's shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I just like seeing you wither underneath me." Niall answers, leaning over to kiss his shoulder.

"I can't be mad you." Harry responds with a laugh as he rolls his body on top of him.

"Especially if the sex is good." Niall states, winking at him with a smirk on his face.

"Shut up." Harry laughs with a eye roll as he blushes deeply.

"I really love you." Niall says, resting one of his hands in his boyfriend's hair and the other on his lower back.

"I really love you too." Harry replies before kissing him on the lips then yawns.

"Maybe that will be our always." Niall says with the green eye male nodding while laughing again.

"This sleep is going to be so relaxing." Harry replies then they both fall asleep right after.

The next morning Niall wakes up to his neck being kiss gently and the little bit of drool from his mouth being swipe away. He turns his head to yawn then looks down at his boyfriend as best as he can. He sees him already looking at him with a wide smile on his face. He sticks his tongue out at him then bumps his nose against his. He wraps his arms around him and squeeze him close. Harry accepts the hug while snuggling his face in his neck. He inhales his natural scrent and in that moment he never thought he would like that so much. After a while, he pulls away because his neck was starting to hurt.

"You have two hours to get ready for work." Harry informs him while tracing random patterns on his chest.

"But yesterday was such a good day. I just want to lay up and continue it." Niall whines out as he pokes out his bottom lip.

"Unfortunately we can't. I also have to look for work." Harry says as he sits up, making the hands on his lower back fall onto his ass.

"Well once we get back how does binge watching fear pong and lineup sound?" Niall asks, massaging his ass.

"That sounds amazing. Now if you don't mind, we need to shower because we're covered in dried cum and sweat." Harry answers while pointing behind him.

"This is so comfortable though." Niall responds as he dramatically sniffles.

"If you get up now, then we can come back and cuddle but with a lot of kisses too." Harry explains then gasps when he is suddenly toss to the side.

He sits up on his elbows and shakes his head while watching his boyfriend get off the bed and run out the room. He gets off the bed a few seconds later then takes the sheets off and walks to the washing machine. It's his apartment so he doesn't care that he's naked. After he starts the washing machine, he goes back to the room to grabs Niall's backup uniform. He made him keep it here a long time ago just incase something happen. He sits it on the bed after he places fresh sheets on the bed. It doesn't take long for Niall to come out of the shower with a toothbrush in his mouth. He rushes to get ready, which causes him to stumble a lot and slip a few times.

"You still have a hour and thirty five minutes so slow down." Harry says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Don't look at me like that. The faster I get ready the faster I can cuddle you again." Niall explains before pushing his boyfriend to the bathroom."So hurry up please."

"God you're so clingy." Harry teases while rolling his eyes then entering the bathroom.

"So are you and we both love it!" Niall shouts after him with a laugh.

Harry takes his bath at his own pace even though the blonde was begging to not take so long. He didn't care though because it always take him seven minutes to shower. Once he does come out, he hears Niall in the kitchen. He doesn't go and check on him because it'll involve him being trap in his arms. After he spent some time in the room, he was fully dress and counting down the seconds until his boyfriend runs into the room. It took fifty seconds for him to enter the room with food in his hand. He gives the food to Harry while wiping the corner of his mouth to get rid of any crumbs.

"Don't tell me you shoved your food down your throat." Harry states with a raise eyebrow.

"No. I inhaled it but only because I miss the cuddles and kisses." Niall replies, getting on the bed then pulling him onto his lap.

"I wouldn't change a thing about you." Harry responds before they share a quick kiss.



Thoughts??? Predictions???

Bye my Class Fight.🍵🚔😵

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