Chapter 3 (!)

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Chapter 3 (!)

*Author P.O.V*

"So how was it?" Niall asked as he looked over at Harry who gave him a confused look.

"How was what?" Harry asked before biting into the doughnut a hum leaving his mouth at the delicious taste.

"The sex." Niall said giving Harry a glare who let out a laugh and licked the jelly that was on his thumb.

"It was great. I didn't think you had it in you little buddy. Well nothing is little about you. Your dick is evidence for that and your thrusts. Now that I actually think about it you was the best I've ever had and I'm not saying that to make you feel good. I don't know how we didn't already have sex because that was just wow. I'm so damn glad that we made that deal. I would ask you how was I but I already know that I was wonderful. I would go another round with you but my ass still hurts and I just cleaned up the damn room." Harry said calmly then finishing off his doughnut with Niall doing the same thing.

They sat in bed for the rest of the night watching TV until they fell asleep. Harry woke up before Niall getting ready for work trying to ignore the lingering pain in his ass. He walked out the shower ruffling his hair with a towel he stopped and looked over at Niall who was humping a pillow. Harry let out a quiet chuckle before heading over to his closet he grabbed a black pair of skinny jeans. He slipped them on, after putting on his boxers of course, then grabbed a white shirt that had hand a female hand drawn all over it. He looked over his shoulder at Niall who moaned out his name gripping the pillow he's humping tight.

Harry shook his head before going back to the bathroom to fix up his hair. He came back out and grabbed a pillow then hit Niall with it a few times causing him to wake up. Niall opened his eyes rubbing the sleep out of them before sitting up and letting out a yawn. Harry went over to his closet grabbing a pair of brown boots quickly putting them on. Niall got of bed and that's when he noticed his boner which made him groan quietly. He looked over at Harry who was still bent over making sure his boots looked nice. Niall walked over to him and grabbed him by the hips making Harry stand up straight with wide eyes.

"Let's have a quickie before you go to work." Niall whispered in Harry's ear who shook his head grabbing Niall's wrists.

"My ass still hurts and your going to make me late but I will suck you off." Harry said and Niall nodded he didn't care he just wanted his release.

Harry pushed Niall over to the bed sitting him down before he got on his knees in front of him. Harry pulled down Niall's boxers then quickly took Niall's cock in his mouth his hands resting on Niall's thighs. Niall closed his eyes with his hands gripping the bedsheets tightly as he bit on his top lip. Harry moaned around Niall's cock trying to get Niall to cum quickly as he bobbed his head faster. He used one of his hands to play with Niall's balls and soon he felt cum shoot down his throat. He swallowed all of it before standing up and grabbed his apartment keys and phone checking the time.

"I gotta go. See you on break." Harry said quickly after checking the time he left the room and soon the apartment front door was slammed shut.

Niall fell back on the bed still coming down from that great orgasm. He ran his hands down his face before getting up making sure to pull his boxers up. He gathered his clothes before leaving Harry's apartment and going to his which was a few doors down from Harry's. Niall took out his keys before unlocking the door with it and stepped in closing the door behind him. He sat his clothes on the couch before heading to his bedroom cracking his neck and fingers. He looked at the time on his phone seeing that he had 20 minutes before work.

He took a quick shower so he would have enough time to eat and get ready. Once he got out the shower, he put on his boxers before putting on a white shirt that had the number 39 written on it. He pulled on some grey skinny jeans then black boots before heading to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and pulled out some eggs, bacon, and a bagel. After preparing everything, he was munching on a bagel sandwich cleaning up his apartment a bit. He grabbed his phone then left the apartment making sure he locked the door before getting on the elevator to the first floor.

*4 Hours Later*

Harry and Niall both walked out of work meeting each other at the end of the street with smilies on their faces. Harry was glad that Niall worked at the little ice cream shop across the street from the bakery he works at. That way he didn't have to spend his whole lunch break trying to meet up with Niall to go and get some food. The two linked arms before going over to Jimmy Johns hearing their stomachs growling. Niall ordered for the both of them paying the man before taking the white bag and going outside to eat. Harry sat down next to Niall before opening the bag and pulling out his sandwich.

"I hope you don't mind but I found a girl who would be really interested in you and I told her you would meet her at the park tonight." Harry said and Niall choked on his sandwich he cleared his throat before looking at Harry with wide eyes.

"How long ago was this?" Niall asked with a glare and Harry scratched the back of his head and picked at the lettuce that was sticking out his sandwich."Harry?"

"A week ago." Harry said and cringed when Niall dropped his sandwich on top of the white bag.

"You decide to tell me this now. I swear Harry she better be hot and smart or I'm going to kick your ass." Niall said and Harry patted his shoulder.

"Trust me she's both of those. She's in college studying to be a lawyer." Harry said and Niall rolled his eyes with a nod.

"She better be." Niall mumbled then picked up his sandwich and started to eat again.



Chapter 3 of FB this is complete shit guys I know I know you don't have to tell me. Looks like Narry had morning sex which would be really hot to actually see. Anyway thanks for all the votes and reads it means a lot to me you have no idea.

Bye my Edge Of Glory.;-)

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