Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

*Author's P.O.V*

"I don't mean to start anything between anyone when I say this but I feel as if Zayn and Harry are hiding something from the both of us. I also think that it's been going on for a long time." Louis says once he enters the blonde's apartment again.

"What makes you say that mate?" Niall asks, walking to the kitchen to find something to eat.

"I just came back from Zayn's place and he said that him and Harry were having a date night. Harry then came out the bathroom and started verbally attacking me when I asked Zayn a few innocent questions. The way he was acting made it seem like he was hiding something and it was making him feel guilty. Zayn then made me leave after I apologized and everything." Louis answers, leaning against the counter and watching him.

"Harry just has a little temper. I'm sure he probably felt bad for it after you left. It had happen to me sometimes so I think everything is fine." Niall responds as he reaches out to pat him on the head."From I heard from him, he seems to like you a lot and considers you a friend so you don't have to stress."

"Alright but please just be cautious around them. We're all friends and I don't want anything to become between that." Louis replies as he rests his hand on the blonde's bicep."Speaking of friends, do you want to go on this trip with me?"

"I need more details of this trip." Niall says as he suddenly remembers the leftover lasagna in his fridge.

"I made some new friends a while ago, two girls and a lad, and we decided to go on a little road trip to a cool city to do some exploring and vacationing and Zayn couldn't come and I really need someone that I know really well with me just in case something happens. Everything is already paid for so you don't have to stress about that." Louis explains while the blonde goes take out the lasagna.

"Sounds like a fun adventure. I'm in." Niall states, causing him to smile brightly."Let me go text Harry about this really quick."

"You should give him some space for now since I'm pretty sure he'll flip if he finds out that you're with me after what happened between us. We shouldn't restart or fuel is temper again. You should start packing a bag." Louis replies quickly while stopping him from leaving the kitchen for his phone.

Niall shrugs then starts to head to his room. He grabs a duffel bag then starts to put inside the things he'll need. There is so much excitement running through him because he has never really traveled before. He also really needs this because all he does is work then sit in his home and throw is life away. He needs to get away from everything and relax. He would love to bring Harry along but he doesn't want to come off as a clingy boyfriend that needs him around all the time and Louis didn't really invite him so he doesn't have a right to force him along. Harry might not even want to go so he can't assume that he would.

The entire time he packs he misses the longing stare from Louis, who sits on the bed. He'll finally be able to spend some proper alone time with him. In the past, Zayn or Harry or even both of them were always around so he couldn't really do or say much. This time he can say and do whatever he wants. He knows that Niall will stick next to his side most of the time during the trip since he doesn't everyone else. A grin comes up on his face at the thought. Unknown to him, Niall is finish packing so when he turns around and see him grinning he lifts a eyebrow in confusion. He walks over to him then playfully pushes his shoulder.

"What's got you grinning like a madman for?" Niall asks, tossing his pack bag next to the door.

"I just know that we are going to have a bunch of fun that I can't wait for." Louis answers while shoving him back with a laugh.

"You don't mind if we room together right?" Niall questions, laying down on the bed.

"Like I would let anyone else room with you. I got us a room with a king sized bed so we'll be sharing a bed but our room is going to be awesome." Louis explains, trying to block out the different and very sensual scenarios that make their way into his mind.

"We're also saving some money so that's a wicked bonus. I mean we've slept together so actually sleeping next to you won't bother me so don't worry." Niall replies as he rests his hands behind his head.

"Oh god. Please don't remind me of that terrible night." Louis jokes then starts to fake gag.

"That's weird. I didn't know you had a gag reflex. I could have sworn you enjoyed it too by your choice of words and noise." Niall teases with a wink.

He's glad that he can joke with Louis about their one night stand. His past lovers wouldn't definitely let this moment happen. They would most likely get awkward. That's the thing he liked about Louis. The guy was never awkward around or anyone else as far as he knows. The guy was always chill or smiling. He glad to have him as a  friend. He's also glad that he doesn't hold any resentment toward him from not wanting to be in a relationship with. He knows that whoever he ends up with he will make them extremely happy. He comes from his thoughts and starts to chuckle when Louis smacks at his feet that are near his hips. He pokes his big toe into his side, causing him to squirm.

"You're such a church boy." Louis states only to be playfully kicked off the bed, his ass softening the blow just slightly.

"And you're small so whose really winning here?" Niall questions before sticking his tongue out at him.

"Nevermind then. You're not coming on the trip. You can stay here and rot in your shitty little apartment." Louis replies, sticking up his middle finger as he gets up.

"Awww does the little baby want to sit on daddy's lap and have a good cry?" Niall asks and Louis isn't going to pass up this opportunity.

"Yeah suffer. This is what you get for calling me small when we're literally the same fucking size." Louis responds once he jumps on top of him, which leaves the blonde breathless.

"My god why the hell are you so heavy even though you have the height of a fucking leprechaun." Niall winces out with his face turning red.

"You just don't learn. I guess you have to learn the hard way then." Louis responds before they start to see who could pin the other one down first.



Thoughts??? Predictions??? Me and @MarBellaGucci are making a kik groupchat so we all can keep in contact and be hilarious with each other. If you're interested comment your kik.


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