Not Mine X

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I watched as my body was taken over by my other side. Through the window, our eyes, I saw Duke and three other wolves.

Dukes face was grim, we had not awoken in the hospital but in a car.

I saw the horror in his face when he looked at me, at our eyes, as it had turned red and black. The eyes of a demon.

I screamed at her to let me go, but she wouldn't listen. Of course she wouldn't. 

I heard myself talk, not me her. Is this what it is like being a wolf inside another person? 

I couldn't bear to watch my whole life getting split apart again, so I closed my eyes and let the darkness enveloped me, putting me back in that abyss of despair.

 Yes, I knew I was weak, but I didn't know what to do. I felt like giving up and I did.

Duke's P.O.V

Red started to stir, Jake, Luke,  Lucy and I all tensed. She was supposed to be in a coma, why is she getting up. I sat right beside her, and Lucy on her other side, while Jake drove the car and Luke sat beside him.

She opened her eyes and I couldn't help feeling the horror that rose up in me, everyone else also couldn't suppress their surprise and their horror. It all showed on our faces.

We saw how she got her name, her eyes were like those of demons, she was like another person. A smirk grew on her face, "Hello, nice to meet you all, and where are you taking me, if I may ask."

Luke was the first one to compose himself, he was a thinker and most of the time he was calm. Never knew what he was thinking unless he decided to tell us. 

"Drip Red. Alpha's orders." He said in a way which meant he wasn't going to talk again. Everyone snapped out of it.

I looked at her, a scowl was on her face. "I am not going there."

"Alpha said we had too exchange you for his dad there."

"Too bad,as I said I'm not going" Her eyes lit up into a brighter red and an evil smile was displayed across her face making me notice the fangs and the blood, the blood that splashed across her face as Lucy's head was crushed. Jake stepped on his brake forcefully and quickly, the car hit off something and before we had time to process what was happening the car flipped. 

All of us scrambled out of the car on our backs. Broken glass cutting through our skin making us bleed. I scrambled up onto my feet and looked around, my heart in beating up a storm. I helped Luke up and ran around to the other side looking out for Red and looking for Jake. 

Red was gone and Jake was unconscious in the car, blood dripping from a wound on his head. We flipped the car back over onto its wheels, and pulled off the door using the extra strength from our wolves. Luke picked up Jake out of the car, we looked to were Lucy was sitting, and all we saw was her headless body.

I swallowed down the bile that rose in my throat. We jogged into the forest, Jake on Luke's back.

"What the hell happened in there?" I asked, the memory of Lucy's body surfaced. "That acted like a totally different person."

"Don't know. Lets just get back to the Alpha and report this to him. Also a hospital for Jake." Luke replied. I nodded as we both shifted into our wolves, me running behind Luke watching for Jake.

I tried the mind link between the Alpha, I couldn't get through. I tried again,

Alpha Jack?

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