Not Mine XVI

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Red's P.O.V

I was hunched, belly low to the ground,ears back as I stalked my prey. I was hungry and was hoping my belly didn't grumble to scare off the deer. I got really close to one, so close that I could smell the fresh meat waiting for me to just rip open.

Drool seeped out of my muzzle, and in the next second I was flying midair towards the bucks throat. It had enough strength to run for 3 minutes before it fell down from major blood loss, I ripped out it's throat killing it, then I ripped into the buck having my first meal in days.

I was getting close to rogues land as I had not seen many villages this past day, and that I was near the dark forest which surrounded the rogue land. As I liked my chops, and finished my meal I sat down to watch as the sun fell below the sky, watching as the color changed, a beautiful color for Dusk, Red.

My mothers face flashed before my eyes,her beautiful long hair falling on the side of her shoulder. She was drying dishes, and her blue eyes sparkled. My brother had her eyes, he had her hair too, his though was short but soft. Jace would've been a charmer for sure, so much that I would have to keep all the girls off of him.

I stood up before I could fall asleep and shook myself awake. I trotted at a steady pace towards the outline of trees, my ears perked up just in case any rogues were around and wanted to get into a fight. Entering into the trees, I picked up the scent of rogue territory, if you were in a pack and you came here, you were killed instantly no excuses. If you were a rogue, you could get attacked still, but wolves were more wary because, there's always a reason for become rogue, you just couldn't go against a wolves nature and break from your pack.

I finally picked up a good scent going towards the village and I followed it, running now. When I broke out into the clearing, I stopped running, everything was changed. People wandered about with that crazed look in their eyes, there were more buildings. I sulked around looking for the tavern, but it was gone. I frowned, and I walked into one of the houses.

I went upstairs and took some clothes in my mouth, went into a room and shifted. Having shifted in a long time it hurt, almost as much as the first change, but I changed quickly. Stepping out I met the owner of the house, a male with battle scars. He was around his young 30's, he looked me up and down and saw me wearing his clothes. "Hey, Louisa still run the tavern here?" I asked breaking the silence.

"No, some rogue went crazy and killed old Lou couple months back. The whole bunch hunted and killed him slowly. Even though it wasn't a pack, she pretty much held everything together, no one ever hurt her. You knew her?" He asked, I nodded, my throat tight.

"She was like a mother to me." I said, he nodded in agreement, she was a mother to all those that never had a mother. She was a sweet light in the midst of darkness.

"Well since I see you already made yourself home at my house, you can stay here." He gave me a smirk. I smirked back, "I'll take you up on that."

"Yeah, watch your back, some crazies showed up, you might want to watch yourself. They took over Lou's tavern, you probably didn't see it, cause they took down the sign, it probably looks like a wreck. Not what you'd expect, but you know, they have a gang, and here well you mind your own business. Seems like you know that perfectly well."

"Would you ever join a pack again?"

"Me, naw, the rules are wacked, having to always obey the Alpha. You go against it whether what you do is right or wrong and your done for, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I think everyone here thinks along the same lines. Would you help me?"

"With what? Starting a pack?"

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