Not Mine XIV

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Red's P.O.V

I followed him out, my instinct was to run freely as the lowering sun hit my fur. I yipped in happiness, and shook my fur, tongue lolling out. I stayed right behind him, always watching. Someone approached him, I tensed, he put his hand flat at the side of his leg and I nuzzled his hand. Letting his warmth calm me.

The person talking to him was a male. Green eyes, toned and tanned with dark wavy hair. He gave me a glance but that was all, before continuing his conversation.

A breeze blew in, I scented a vampire and a low growl escaped my lips, my muscles tensed as I faced the way the scent came from. The alpha pated my head and crouched down, "What do you smell."

I growled a bit louder as the scent came closer, but it seemed he didnt pick up the scent. I barked, then turned back into the direction if the scent, and bounded off. The alpha taken by surprise I heard shift before taking off after me.

He thought I was running away, but I had to fight them. It would be dangerous for them to get to the alpha's pack. I veered a sharp right as the scent moved, and I ran into the forest.

I felt the Alpha nearing me, and sniffed the scent of others following. I growled and ran in full sprint, as fast as I could go, I heard the alpha also speed up. I Jumped over a broke tree before entering a clearing, stopping and I understood why the alpha couldnt sense them. They used wolfsbane to mask their scent, but because of my other blood I sensed them. I growled, The alpha came and noticed them too, covering his surprise with a growl.

Its his first time seeing a vampire probably, I thought. The vampire looked at me and showed his fangs, I growled before jumping at him, and soon I was against a tree, held by the scruff of my neck. I did a mid transformation, and took out his heart in a flash, before he had time to process that his attempts of trying to rip off my neck was a failure. Instead he had damaged my shoulder, and I held his heart in my hand.

He crumpled to the ground, as I shifted back into my wolf. I shook my fur and walked behind the alpha, that is when the other pack members caught up with their alpha. Their alpha shifted back into his human form and ordered that the take care of the vampire carcase, he looked at me and said to his pack, " This is the gaurdian we have been waiting for for many moons since the death of Krildon. Meet your packs gaurdian Red." I gave out a surprised yip, How'd he know my name?

He looked at me, "We've been waiting for a long time,the prophecy spoke about a red eye wolf that will find a way to us, and save us. It said your gaurdian name us red, for blood that was given and blood that was taken." He patted my head, and I accepted it.

"This is the Black Shadow Pack, welcome to your new home." I felt tears brim to my eyes as he said the word home, my heart was overflowing, these people accepted me. They accepted me.

I followed the Alpha as the pack stayed in their wolf forms, they all dispersed back to what they had been doing. Two wolves shifted into human form and started to carry the vampire away. The alpha had now shifted once again into his wolf as we headed for the pack house.

I wasn't necessarily in the pack, I was the guardian of it though. I took the role for various reason, but mainly because I didn't want to be lonely and I found my purpose to protect this pack.

The Alpha brought me to a guest room, I snorted. I liked being in wolf form, my wolf was almost as big as an alpha wolf. I walked towards the bathroom, I really could use a shower right now.

I pushed the tap on with my paws and ran my body through the water, washing away the grime and dirt I had accumulated over the past 2 months.

After struggling to turn off the taps I shook my soaked fur, seeing my silver fur look pristine. I could fall in love with myself.

I walked back into my room to find the Alpha there, he looked at me and laughed. I looked into a mirror and saw that I looked like a pristine fur ball.

He grabbed a towel and dried me off. A woman walked in and glared at me, I saw a mark on her neck and I knew, that was his mate. There scents were mixed too, I backed off as she came near him, I felt a pain in my chest for a quick second. I can never have a family can I? I looked at both of them, seeing the love in their eyes for each other, I was jealous.

I looked to much into his kindness.

I walked out of the room while they were caught up in each other, I couldn't bear to see mates in love right now. The image of Mark came into mind and I gave an inwardly sigh. I wasn't their guardian, I took care of the vampire only because they were after me. I bring destruction where ever I go.

I wanted Mark back. He is the only one left, that truly knew me. Where even if he tried to kill me it was understandable.

I went outside, the sun had gone now, and the stars were out. I started to run in a steady lope, towards the rogue town, rogue's land.

I got to find a way to get back Mark. An idea started to form into my mind, and I could feel myself smirking. I am going to love it.


Sorry short chapter, please give me feedback. Thank you.

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