Not Mine XII

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Red's P.O.V

I headed south, following the scent of blood, I heard a swoosh behind me, and knew Mark had followed. He caught up to me and I smirked, "Still fit as ever Benny," I drawled, "When did you start working out."

He looked at me from the corner of his eyes as a smirk appeared on his face, "Ever since I let you take me down, and its Alpha Mark to you."

"Ah thought I escaped that." I smiled, hair flying in the wind as we were travelling really fast. I scented the change in direction of vampire blood, and followed it. Mark tapped me, "Should we go behind, instead of going frontal?"

"I was never one for going behind, and after all we are talking about vampires, who will probably sense us, especially you and that stink of yours." I said, my nose wrinkling. He smirked, "Good point."

Alpha Mark went a little a head of me, in a quick second he leaped towards the sky, at most 100 feet into the sky, he was that powerful, I followed looking around us, I didn't exactly reach him, but close. If I stretched out my hand I could of touched his feet, then we started to fall to the ground. Before we hit tops of the trees we saw a blur of movement in the fading light.

We "quietly" used the branches to break our fall, and landed safely on the ground. Then we were off and running in their direction, there was 4 of them. The smell of blood got closer as both parties were heading towards each other quickly.

Suddenly everything went quiet, Mark and I back to back, while four vampires surrounded us. A pale, young looking vampire spoke, "Red, as you are part vampire blood and part demon blood, we request you to come with us, so that others may not be hurt. If you do not come with us as requested we shall kill that friend that you stand beside, and if you do we shall let him live."

My eyes never moved from the vampires as I smirked, and asked "Alpha, what do you say to that?"

"They can kill me if they risk losing at least two of their friends." He said, a smile appearing on his face. He was going to enjoy the fight. I gave a chuckle, then stood in a fight stance, "They can't kill you while I am around," Then directing my words towards the Vampires, "I refuse."

Just like that, their fangs came out and their faces morphed into rage hurtling straight at us, "Mark, at least you didn't look this ugly when you fought me." I grunted, transforming into mid formation, the hair of my wolf a sheen layer of silver. Catching a fist from the vampire in my hand and flinging him into a tree.

"You looked prettier too," He said grunting as he caught the fist of one vampire, while getting hit right in the stomach by another. I charged at the vampire the that had stood behind all the others, My hand curled into a fist, and in the next second as I was about to punch him, he whispered something and I stopped.

The other vampires stopped attacking Mark, and the one I had flung got up. Mark looked at me, confusion in his face. A magic binding was put on my wrists, before I could go back to Mark's side, and then suddenly it weighed a ton and I was forced to my knees. I struggled to stand up, as I looked at the person in the cloak.

Mark was put in the same magical bindings, and was shoved right beside me. He looked at the person in the cloak with a glare until the cloak was pulled back. Mark paled, "Jenny--" he was smacked across the face. Mark went quiet and stared at the ground.

"Do not talk unless I allow you to." She said curtly, her long blonde locks falling across her face, her eyes a piercing silver. She bent down and looked at my eyes, I just glared at her. She smirked, "Well Red, it seems you now are one with the Demon blood. You will need blood soon though, as you have vampire blood in you." She looked at Mark, "We can use him for your first blood, as you are part werewolf, so you can drink anyone's blood. Most vampires drink human blood though." She looked at me disapprovingly. "It also seems like Craven also failed with increasing the vampire blood in this one, after all how can she control four beings at once."

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