Not Mine VII

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~Jack P.O.V~

"ALPHA!!!" someone barged into my office, puffing out of breath.

"Yes?" I stood up, Justin's voice was worried. Justin was my cousin. "Alpha, it's Sydney." And then I ran, Justin too tired to follow. My wolf finally came back, when she touched me in the hospital. My wolf came out, as I ran towards the hospital. By the time I bounded into the hospital, a person was standing outside the hospital with clothes in his hands. I grabbed them and put them on quickly while walkin into the hospital all the way to Sydney's room.

She wasn't there. In her room. Her room was covered in glass. I looked outside her window, kind of freaking out. I ran my hands through my hair as I quickly stepped out of the room and asked where Sydney was. "She's been transffered to the intensive care unit."

Never in my life have I ever heard of a werewolf going to the ICU. I ran-walked all the way where I found her room.

Ben was there. His face lost and serious. In the surgery room The doctor's where there, standing over Sydney who had blood just pouring out around the table. Pieces of Glass was stuck in her. they were operating on her. Pulling out the smallest pieces of glass. I looked at Ben "What happened?" My heart was tearing into pieces. If this happened before, my friends would say shes got me around her finger. But I don't care about that, I was just hoping she was okay.

"She jumped." Was all I heard come from Ben. "What did you say?" I low growl came from my throat. My wolf was getting mad, and so was I. Mad at what has happened to her.

"She jumped, okay. Out of the window." Was all he said, in a desperate tone. I looked back at Sydney who was lying in the bed, and looked at Ben, then ran out of the room boiling mad. I dont know why, but I wasn't only filled with anger, but of grief and of sorrow. How could she do this? She just jumped out the window!

I walked all the way back to the Pack House. Trying to cool my head, but it did not work. When I got to the house I went to my room, not bothering to meet anyone. And then I cried. I'll admit, I've never cried before. Tears trickled down my cheeks silently. Why would she do that? I thought she finally understood that I loved her? I thought she understood. My tears dried up eventually. An alpha must always remain under control, though most times we don't.

I take a deep breath, and the breath out again then I washed my face in the bathroom letting the cold water soak into my hair and my skin. I breathe out again. A picture of Sydney flashed through my mind. My wolf whined, as he saw the image flicker through his mind.

I was just walking out of the house when Duke came running towards me. Worry spiked through me thinking it was news of Sydney.

"The previous Alpha, your father, he's disappeared, and," Dukes voice started to shake, " your mother, the previous luna, is dead." Dukes voice cracked.

All I felt was empty. Too much, too fast. Looking at Duke I asked him, "how did she die?"

"Dont know...she was ripped to shreds in her bedroom. There was a note found, they want Sydney in exchange for your father."

"What!" I said loudly, " why would they think I would give up Sydney? Shes my mate!"

"Theres more, Sydney rold me to xall her Red and I looked her up, well her name, " Duke handed me a fileI took it and opened it my face going pale as a starved vampire, " Her real name is Red Stoneheart. A girl at 12 who had yet shifted started a bloodbath, and the person who we call Ben is Mark. Mark of the Blood Red pack."

"Where do they want me to take Sydney?" my voice angrly spit out her name. I felt my eyes dilate.

"To the place where it all began," he said, " Drip Red Town."

"We will move her when she gets out of the ICU." I said, my voice void, my wolf whined in my head but didnt dare say anything.

"Thats another problem. They want her in 5 days and to get there it takes 4 days at least. And if we are late theyll torture your Dad."

I ran my hand through my hair and looked at the file still in disbelief as I saw Sydney's picture with another name beside it. We wouldnt have let her join if we knew who she was, and now I understood why Ben or Mark, ran off and tried to kill her. But why are they together in the first pleace?

"Gather up some wolves and go to the hospital, take Sydney back to her town and get my dad." I ordered Duke, "Get my dad back and do it quickly."

Duke did a small bow and ran off getting in a van and driving off. I raked my hand through my hair and held back my the tears wanting to fall on the picture of my mate. A person who had lied to me from the start, then left me after she saw that I loved her and still never even bothered to tall me a thing.

Like how she was deemed a strong child who was born with unknown strength and who started a whole hunt after her and it turned out into a bloodbath. Many wolves from different packs were sent after her and most never returned home.

A memory of Duke's Uncle Alex, he was really loved by everyone but was sent on the hunt for her and he returned home unable to speak. He had died a day later after his return.

I growled in frustration scaring some kids that was walking by. They ran off, I knew if I went off to see Sydney leave I would try and bring her back.

I gave a long sigh before walking back inside the house, closing the file asd to forget I saw her there. No wonder she did not cry after kneeling on glass and got beaten up, Im more surprised she didnt kill us.

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