Not Mine XIII

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Red's P.O.V

I walked through the night, silently and stealthy. I felt my eyes return to its "normal" state and I had looked in a small stream to see the tint of red in my blue eyes. I also saw a girl whose emotions were being completely wiped yet again. Her brown hair that was beautiful looked dead, her face pale and tired. A girl who had lost everything, even her own dreams.

Was born with no mate, her family killed in front of her, her original pack is dead and not even a friend anywhere. A tear slowly crawled down her face, and soon many more started to run towards the ground, like if the ground called them out. I put my hands to my eyes and held my sobs in, as I was racked with each sob I held in.

I turned into my wolf, no longer the small yet beautiful wolf, but the ancient silver wolf. I let my wolf run wherever she wanted to go, for she had not been out for a run in a very long time. She yipped with glee as the wind rustled through her fur, and everything went by in a blur,then she started to slow as sorrow also started to creep in.

A howl was about to burst from her chest, but we suppressed it, and only another wave of tears flew out. We ran, away from everything and towards nothing. By this time I had run out of the forest to see the sun start to creep out slowly, I sighed as I saw the sky change colors.

I walked through the valley, listening to the buzzing of insects come alive as the sun rose. My nose tickled from touching the long grass, and my fur becoming wet from the dew that sparkled there. I breathed, seeing my breath form in the air, winter was setting in.

I sniffed the air as the wind shifted and caught the scent of a pack of pure bred wolves. Not werewolves as werewolves had a slight scent of human. I ran quietly following the faint scent, and I knew I drew closer as their scent thickened. They were probably plodding along, as I was quickly catching up with them falling into steady lope. Wolves and werewolves don't mix naturally, and I doubt anyone has ever tried. I was curious, what might happen if they encountered a wolf with reddish-yellow eyes, and had a small smell of human to them.

After a minute or so I went into a walk, as I was directly behind them. Curious as I was, I was also cautious. I yipped, to alert them I was nearby, especially the Alpha, being at the back of the pack to watch over them. He barked a command to the rest of the pack and they all passed the message to the front of the line. From the pack members to the strongest of the pack, then to the sickly and old ones that led the way.

In werewolves packs, usually the Alpha's led the way, but in a normal wolf pack, the Alpha was always behind watching his entire pack. The old and sickly ones lead the way, as to not slow the pack down, and the five strongest are right behind the sick for defense. I was sort of jealous, they all worked as one, no one was excluded, they each belong somewhere.

The pack, although walking all day stops, some of them rest as the Alpha comes towards me. He notices the smell, and my eyes, how they are different. He growls a warning, the pack members get up as their fur bristles, lips drawn back as their fangs are shown. I whimper and tuck my tail in, not wanting to cause trouble. He growls a warning, he doesn't want me in the pack, he doesn't know much about me, and he doesn't want to take any risks in case I bring harm to his pack.

I walk backwards, the packs growls fade, only the Alpha is left snarling at me, I walk backwards quicker then turn tail and run. After a minute, loneliness is all I feel, my wolf huffed. Although an ancient, these red eyes are a curse, the demon blood a curse, I no longer being able to be in a pack, no longer to fit in anywhere in the world. Yes, you have the good different, but there's also the bad different, being in the bad different is like slim, but I am in it.

Feeling lonely, I ran back to where the wolf pack was, but parallel to them, a ways from them. I knew if the winds shifted they would smell my scent, but I could care less. A werewolf was stronger than a normal wolf, but yet it seems wolves are smarter than werewolves.

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