i've gøt twø faces; blurry's the øne i'm nøt

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 The morning sun shone through the glass doors of Josh's balcony, lighting up the main room. Unfortunately for Tyler, he was in the main room sleeping on the couch, and was being blinded by the unfiltered rays of light. Letting out an exasperated groan, he turned over, allowing the sun to hit his back instead. He promised himself he'd be up in a few minutes. Or maybe a few intervals of 10 minutes. From inside of his room, Josh groaned as well. Sunlight remained sheltered outside, due to specific curtains he got in order to do so. His groan was fueled by exhausted frustration. It was the first night in a long while he got actual sleep, but his nightmares prevented it from being blissful. He had slept, but he didn't feel rested at all.

Mustering up the very little energy he had, he practically dragged himself out of bed. He spent a solid few seconds getting angry with his doorknob before realizing he had locked it - the reason for which was a mystery to him. After escaping from his room, he sleepily made his way to his bathroom. He always wondered who the hell designed this apartment and why they put the bathroom so far, but he remembered he could barely afford this place (only doing so with his parents help) and should be grateful for having somewhere to live at all. He followed his regular routine; Use the toilet, wash his hands, brush his teeth, wash his face, spend a solid 5 minutes wondering what he was doing with his life, attempt to fix his hair, give up, done. Even after all of this, he was still as grumpy and groggy as ever. What really woke him up was the wave of chills that ran through his body as he exited the bathroom, the cold air hitting all of his exposed skin. Sleeping practically naked had its perks, the morning coldness not being one of them. He set out to go back to his room, and was almost to his door when he heard some fabric rustling and someone clear their throat. Josh immediately turned to see the man who he knew as Blurry on his couch, sleeping but seemingly stirring awake. Josh booked it to his room, hurriedly pulling some sweat pants on and rushing to the kitchen. His mother raised him well, hospitality always came first. Even if your guest was half demon and possibly insane, he still deserved some breakfast.

Keeping this in mind, he rummaged through his almost completely empty fridge. He still was a struggling college kid after all. As mentioned before, he could only afford to stay in this apartment thanks to his parents help. He already felt bad enough for that, he wouldn't dare ask them for more money for groceries. He made due with what he could; Meaning he mostly lived off of Taco Bell. Now that he had to actually make his food, he was worried. His worry only grew when the thought occurred to him; What if Blurry had allergies, or food preferences he wasn't aware of? Are demons vegans? Do they like egg whites or just regular eggs? Hell if Josh knew. He wasn't about to wake up Blurry just to find out. Josh settled on the most basic thing he could think of. Bacon and eggs. Hopefully Blurry liked bacon, or he didn't mind eating eggs alone. It was still an attempt at feeding him. That much had to be appreciated, right?

Tyler finally woke when the aroma of bacon greeted him. He opened his eyes slowly, attempting to get used to the harsh sunlight. He looked around, taking a second to realize his surroundings weren't familiar in the slightest. This couch, this unnecessary amount of sunlight, the smell of actual home cooked meals? Nowhere he's ever been in his life was this warm and welcoming. It was nice, but somehow slightly off putting. Upon pulling the blankets away from him, the scent of Josh's lavender laundry detergent hit Tyler's nose, and he vaguely remembered it from the night before. He couldn't quite remember what happened, but he knew he couldn't be in any danger here. Waking up with soft pillows, and clean blankets that smelt of meadows aren't the signs of danger. He pushed the blankets off of him fully, shivering at the cold air suddenly hitting his legs. Within the warmth of the thick blankets, Tyler forgot he didn't wear any pants to bed, and somehow within his barely functioning morning mind, it didn't occur to him that pants were the solution. And since he already had the scent of bacon in his mind, he set that as his main concern. With his priorities in order, he headed towards the smell, towards the kitchen. A tired Tyler waddled slowly into the kitchen, still baring his legs and messy hair. The man cooking food was wearing only pants, the exact opposite of Tyler. The man's back was towards Tyler, and he didn't want to be rude or startle him. Clearing his throat caught their attention well enough, although it did cause Josh to jump a bit. He sighed, laughing a little at himself, "Jeez, Blurry. You scared me. Breakfast is almost ready, hope you like eggs and bacon. or at least eggs," Josh smiled before returning his attention to cooking. Only cooking. Not how Blurry was half naked, and adorably groggy. Only. Cooking.

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