scared øf my øwn immaturity

40 4 1

Included with this chapter is a very hastily made mspaint version of what i roughly envision as the layout of Josh's apartment.
Roughly. It's not perfect but eh

Enjoy & stay stellar!


Upon arriving back at Josh's apartment, Tyler dropped all his bags onto the floor, letting himself fall back onto his 'bed' aka the couch. Josh smirked as he watched him close his eyes and relax. Josh realized the staring was creepy and potentially awkward if Tyler happened to catch him doing so. Not to mention the fact that they were still total and complete strangers.

Although, Josh truly could not deny that Tyler was attractive. Tyler thought the same of the other as well, although neither of the two would ever admit it out loud. Once more, they were completely 100% total definite strangers.

Josh walked into his kitchen, sighing as he rested his hands against the sink counter. He called out to Tyler,

"Yo Tyler? You hungry?"

Tyler's eyes shot open immediately when he heard this question. Of course he was hungry. Especially if it involved some more bacon.

He pushed himself off the couch with great force, but trying to appear calm as he half-rushed over to the kitchen. He didn't know Josh well and he wasn't sure if his antics were welcome yet, especially after Blurry's "antics". He felt awkward but couldn't help the small smile that crept onto his face as he asked.

"Yes. Please."

"What do you want to go get? I'd offer to go and leave you here so you didn't have to come and all, but I don't feel exactly comfortable doing that. But you can sleep in the car. Depending on where we go you can get 3 minutes of sleep at least."

Tyler shrugged, although he knew the area fairly well considering his girlfriend didn't live too far from Josh. He knew very well what he wanted, and his true love for the place won over his uncomfortable anxiety.

"I'm really feeling like Taco Bell."

Josh swore that within that moment Tyler Joseph had just become his best friend. To say Josh's face lit up would be an understatement. To say it was equivalent to the sun would still be an understatement. The amount of excitement Josh felt upon hearing Tyler ask for Taco Bell was comparable to the amount of excitement a puppy has when it's owners come back home.

Josh quickly grabbed his keys and went back out to his car, Tyler once again close behind. He was keeping up far faster this time due to his equal levels of anticipation. They were in the car and driving within a few minutes.

They both seemed to realize they were over excited over some "mexican" food as they made eye contact at a red light, consequently bursting into laughter. Josh felt the need to clarify his side of the infatuation with Taco Bell once he caught his breath.

"Most of my money goes to things like college and gas, rent and all that. So fast food just makes things easier. The fact that I made breakfast was a miracle and I'm sorry to say, you really shouldn't expect that too often."

Tyler nodded but knitted his eyebrows together in momentary confusion, "I'm sorry if this is weird to ask but if your money is towards college and gas, why would you live in such a fancy apartment? Wouldn't it save you money to live in a beat down one in a more dangerous area? Not that that's a good idea, but it sure is cheaper."

Sighing as he realized he'd have to explain how bad of a son he was and how good his parents were to him, Josh shrugged his shoulders and began to explain.

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