Second Meeting

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Sunset Glare

Everything was going well! You met Sunset Glare's friends. You managed to become great friends. AJ was really honest and cool, Rainbow Blitz ehh... Not so much, but he is a great loyal friend to you, Elusive was flirty at times, but he keeps on talking on how to properly wear clothes, so he insisted on giving you new clothes! He really is generous. Butterscotch was shy at first but you managed to get through with him.

You would sometimes help him on taking care of the animals at the animal shelter. You saw how kind he was to the animals. Then there was Bubble Berry... Yeah, he pretty much throw you a 'welcome to Canterlot High' party. But the party was awesome, and Bubble is funny guy! But, there were sometimes where you catch Sunset Glare looking at you, and glaring (((*shot for bad pun*))) at the other guys for getting close to you.

I wonder what's up with him. So then he asked you meet outside the school where you first met him. *time skip* So you and Glare talked about everything. How you transferred schools from Crystal Prep to here. Glare talked about his past here and how he turned into demon and wanted to rule over Equestria, and how he got reformed and not much people had talk to him except for AJ, Blitz, Elusive, Butterscotch and Berry. Honestly you felt bad for him, and telling that story made him cry and telling himself that his past and demon is still haunting him. You calmed him down by hugging him and whispering nice things in his ear.

You couldn't see it but he was blushing so red that it was identical to his red hair, so he managed to calm down, you broke the embrace looking at him sweetly. He thanked you and embraced you, you embraced back blushing. But alas it's almost getting dark the both of you headed home, Glare missing your embrace.


AJ was such a nice and honest guy! You'd even got to met his friends! And at the end of school he asked to meet him at the café to drink and get know each other a lot better, so you said "yeah sure!" So you meet him at the café got two milkshakes one (f/f) for you and a Carmel for AJ. The two of you talked about mostly about family, friends, tragic things, pretty much everything.

Sometimes when you turn away, AJ can't help but look at your soft (S/C) skin and your soft silky (H/C) hair and those beautiful (E/C) orbs that shine better than red shiny apples. You were definitely the apple in his eyes.

Rainbow Blitz

You get to meet Blitzy's friends! You called him that early today and blushed and said that not to say that nickname ever again. But you didn't listen. But the first day of your new school was fun too! Blitz insisted you stay over to play soccer with him, you were somewhat good at sports so why not?

Wow never mind about the somewhat good at sports. You were terrible. 5-0 was the score. Blitz had 5, while you had 0. You were laying on the grass panting while trying to kick the ball but miserably miss and fall to the ground. Blitz looked at you while laughing his butt off. Glaring at him finally shut him up.

But he kept on giggling while trying to help you up. "You definitely were *snicker* something (Y/N)." Blitz says while trying to hide his laughter. "Hahaha, very funny, now stop it!" You say angrily. He finally stops and says. "Hehe, okay okay, I'll stop now, hey it's getting late wanna ride home?" You looked upped at the sky to see orange purple sky. You nodded. You could've sworn you saw a blush across his face but shrugged it off.


Elusive was generous enough to make you new clothes at his boutique. He said that the one's that you were wearing were too 'last season'. You were now at Elusive's boutique waiting for Elusive. Just in the nick of time he rushes out to you. "Oh, sorry for making you wait darling! I was just in the middle of making your outfit!" You nodded your head.

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