He realizes his feelings for you

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Sunset Glare

"Thank you Sunset for helping me cleaning up this mess that the jocks made here, I'll make sure they get suspended after I finish talking to them." Vice Principal Artemis says. Sunset nodded. "It's no problem Vice Principal Artemis." Artemis looked outside the cafeteria window. "Well it's getting late I think it's best for you to go home, I'll take care of the rest of this mess." Sunset nodded and exited the school. Sunset was walking down the street finally done cleaning up the cafeteria.

Then he started thinking about you and the sweet things you said last week. "Ugh." Sunset groaned as he grabbed his chest. Why was he feeling this way? Why does it hurt so much?This pain started when (Y/N) came to this school.

Am I getting feelings for (Y/N)? "No it can't be, I've dated Flare Warden before, and I never gotten this feeling n'or this feeling in my chest." The feeling went away, he started thinking about you again. The feeling came back again. "(Y/N) are you the reason I'm feeling this way?" He's been asking himself that all day.


"Gosh darn it!" Said the orange freckled male, trying to concentrate on his bass. His older sister, Big Macereina heard him yell and decided to go and check what's the matter. Macerina opened the door to his brother's room and saw a frustrated AJ. AJ see's his older sister at the door and sets his bass on the guitar stool and walks towards her and says. "Hey there Macereina is somethin' the matter?" Big Macereina nods.

"Eyup. Is there somethin' botherin' you AJ?" AJ scratches the back of his neck nervously. "Well, I haven't hardly been concentrating on my bass very well lately. Well I suppose is cause of this feeling I've been having for a while." Macereina placed a hand on AJ's forehead. "You don't seem to have a fever." AJ shook his head. "No Big Macereina I'm not sick, it's just this strange feeling I have whenever I get close to (Y/N)." Macereina stared at AJ for a moment then laughed a bit. AJ looked at her older sister in confusion.

"What's so funny sis?" Macereina stopped laughing and looked at his younger sibling. "It seems that mah lil'bro has a crush on (Y/N)." Macereina says putting an arm around AJ's shoulders. AJ blushed. "Do ya really think I have feelings for (Y/N)?" AJ says rubbing his left arm. Macereina nodded. "Eyup." AJ looked at the ground and thought. "Maybe I do have feelings for her, but... Will she feel the same?"

Rainbow Blitz

*Knock* *knock* *knock* *knock* Blitz knocked on the door that belong to his best friend Butterscotch. Waiting he finally heard a creek on the door. "Hello?" Said a shy voice on the other side of the door. "Yo Scotch, it's me Blitz." He heard a click on the door and the door was fully opened revelling the shy male. "Oh! Blitz it's great to see you! Please come in!" Butterscotch gestured Blitz to come inside.

Blitz entered the house and Butterscotch closed the door to his house. "So, what made you decide to drop by?" Butterscotch asked the multi-color haired male. "Well I had a question and I was wondering you might know that answer to it." Blitz said. Scotch nodded. "Of course I'll try my best. What is it?" Blitz blushed.

And grabbed his chest tightly. "W-well, I have this feeling whenever I'm around (Y/N)." Butterscotch gasped and quickly covered his mouth. Blitz looked at him. "Scotch, what is it? Is it bad?" Butterscotch quickly shook his head rapidly and grinned at Blitz. Blitz was confused and says.

"Uh, Scotch you okay?" Butterscotch nodded. "Well, what's making me feel this Scotch?" Scotch looked at him. "You really don't know do you Blitz?" Blitz was now frustrated. "Well, no unless you tell me!" Butterscotch says. "Love." Blitz rubbed his ear hole with his finger.

"Sorry what did you say I thought I heard you say love." Butterscotch nodded. "Yes I did Blitz, you love (Y/N) and don't try to deny it, I've seen how you look at her at lunch early today." Blitz blushed furiously. "You see? Blitz you truly love (Y/N)." Butterscotch grinned widely. "You keep your mouth shut Scotch!" Scotch giggled a bit. "So... When are you gonna tell her?" Blitz looked down.

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