Chapter 13

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I know, I know this update has been a long time coming. I probably don't have any people interested in this story anymore, it has been 9 months since I last updated this story. There's no room fr excuses so just bare with me. Here, finally, is chapter 13...

Thanks, The_Blood_Moon out.

It's about nine o'clock on a Saturday night and Declan, Jordan, Cade and I were sitting in the massive oak tree at the edge of the school while Alison stood maddeningly at the base of the tree.

"This is bull, what are we doing out here?" Jordan argued.

"For the one hundredth time we are waiting for Taylor and Harley" Alison snapped.

"Why? So they can see which one of us is eaten alive by mosquitoes first?" I rolled my eyes.

I am no social butterfly but even I have better things to do on a Saturday night than sit in an oak tree.

"We're back" Harley glared at Alison as the large bag he was holding clattered to the ground.

"Please tell me those aren't bones" Cade whimpered as a slid off the tree.

"They're weapons Cade" Alison explained as Taylor handed us all a weapon, I got my bow and arrow. Thank goodness it wasn't the sword.

"Hunting is illegal around here Alison" advised Jordan.

"The only animals around here worth hunting is you lot"

"Excuse me?" Taylor gasped.

"This is a training exercise. I have assigned you pairs, your goal is to be the hunter, not the hunted. Since you took forever to take down Sisyphus, this exercise should help you learn to fasten that process up a bit"

A training exercise. Well that explains the dark clothing and sneakers.

"I thought we did great, we all took him down and found Harley without Sisyphus dragging him back to Tartarus" Declan argued.

"Beginners luck. It took you far to long to get rid of him, you should be thankful that he didn't cause too much damage while he was here"

"Who is everyone paired up with" Taylor asked delicately trying to avoid any arguments.

"It will be Declan verses Harley, Faye verses Jordan and Taylor verses Cade. That is final"

My shoulders slumped when I heard Jordan's name. I don't want to fight him, even if its just a game. I looked over at him and he gave me a weak smile. Looks like he doesn't want to be paired with me either.

"Please don't injury your opponent, just find a way to make them give up. Understood?"

We all nodded our heads.

"Then go!" she yelled.

Declan and Harley bolted away from each other into different sections of the woods and Taylor chased after Cade in a hurry while Jordan slipped away during all of the chaos. I kept my eye on the entrance of the forest until any trace of them running in had disappeared.

They were all running in deep into the forest by now but I was still standing on the outside. None of them had really thought this threw. If you run into the center of the forest, you have to be aware of your entire 360 degree darkening surroundings.

So I started running, along the edge of the forest not within, until I reached what appeared to be its very end. 


I wondered with caution slowly into the forest. There were trees, rocks and bush all around me, this was a great spot. I can see if anyone comes near me without them even knowing I'm here.

If they don't hear me first that is, I've been slapping myself silly from all of the bugs here. I'm going to look really horrible tomorrow morning.

The sudden movement in the trees made me jump and look around hasitly. I couldn't see anything but I pulled an arrow out from my bag and I held my bow tightly, ready for anything.


I spun around and put all of my weight within my stance, ready to fire my arrow but I was impressed with how fast Jordan found me. Slowly I continued to walked backwards, preparing for Jordan to come closer.

"Oooff" I gasped for breath as the wind was knocked right out of my lungs and I was weighted down by something heavy.

"everything's alright, just keep quiet and listen okay?"

That wasn't Jordan's voice. Opening my eyes I saw a guy in dark clothing above me. I started trying to wriggle my way out of this but he was way too strong.

"Relax, relax please I won't hurt you. I'm one of you" he spoke.

"What do you mean one of us?"

"Gifted. Your gift was from the Greek God Artemis and the other's are Ares, Athena, Hephaestus, Apollo and Aphrodite"

"How do you even know that?"

"Because, I am one of you" he replied and he slowly sat me up/

I had every intention of running but I wanted to here more about what he was saying. I needed to?

"Prove it" I scoffed. 

"My gift was given to me by the Messenger God, Hermes just like your gift was given to you by Artemis"

"Your...your lips didn't m...move" My voice as shaky.

"My gift allows me to talk to you without physically saying anything with my mouth and without having to stand near you for you to hear what I am saying. I'm telling you the truth Faye, my name is Kurtis and I'm just like you"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2015 ⏰

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