"We're Ninjas"

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"I've never broke into someone's house before" Ben said worriedly.

"We're not gonna get caught, We're ninjas. I smirked

Ben shook his head smiling.


We were outside the house looking at Margo's window.
I haven't entered her room since me and radar were looking for clues and even had to pay Ruthie five dollars to get inside and considering the Spiegelman has a dog named Myrna Mountweazel we have to be really sneaky.

"You ready" I smiled

"I don't know Q" Ben worried.

"We'll be fine"

"Come one! I'll stay here I'll be the lookout "

"You can do what ever you want Ben" I blurted

Ben decided to follow me as I climb the tree that leads to Margo's window where she always use to get in her room.

I took my mini crowbar on my pocket behind my back and jimmied the window without making that much noise.

"After you" I smiled

"What exactly are we sneaking for?" Ben asked as he crawl through the window

"A superhero suit" I answered.
I crawled my way through the window and Summersaulted my way in the room like a real ninja.

"Seriously? Margo taught you that?" Ben surprised


I turned on my phone's flashlight and opened Margo's closet. She loves vintage clothes so much. On the back of the door a shoe rack with a couple dozen pairs of shoes, from Mary Janes to prom heels.

"Q hurry the freak up!" Ben muffled

I glanced to my right and my eyes glared as if I saw bars of gold or freak load stacks of pizza but no. It's Margo's hoodie

"Look Ben we found what we're looking for" pointing towards the black hoodie

"Are you freakin-"


When suddenly someone opened the door. It was Ruthie

"What the hell are you guys doing in here!?" Ruthie yelled

"Uhm we're just searching for-"

"I'm calling the police!"

"No no no Ruthie we can talk about this!" I said nervously

"This was a bad idea Q" Ben said

She was about to call the police and I quickly wriggled my fingers in my pocket to pull out some cash.

"Okay, five dollars!" I piped up

"No I'm calling the police"

"OKAY TEN DOLLARS!" Ben blurted

"Just like the old days guys" She smirked and took the money from our hands

Both Me and Ben sighed.

"Now get your butts out of here before I call the cops" Ruthie said while she puts the money on her pocket and left to go calm Myrna mountweazel from downstairs who was going nuts just a minute ago.

"Oh shi- I can feel my heart beating in my chest!" Ben said

"That's how you should feel in our whole life" I said

We headed downstairs and her parents aren't even there.

"Wait, Where's Mr and Mrs Spiegelman?" I asked

"They went somewhere they'll be back tomorrow morning"

"Hey sorry for sneaking in your sister's room"

"It was Ben's idea" I lied

"What! Q!" Ben butted in

I gave him the just go with it look

"Next time knock on the door."
"And bring some money just in case." She added

We went back to my room, Ben grabbed some snacks and couple of drinks in the fridge.

"We just wasted some money didn't we Q?" Ben asked as he close the door

I sighed. And I even forgot at least sneak out the hoodie

"That was fun though" I chuckled

Last time I remembered getting caught and got jailed for a damn year.

Ben and I talked for about an hour while playing resurrection.

We even thought of prank calling some youngsters on Ben's phone list which didn't turn pretty well.

Nine o'clock in the evening. We cooked some meat loafs and eggs for dinner after eating we came back to my room. We were having a talk while laying on my bed with the lights off when someone suddenly knocked on my door

"Yoooo" Ben muffled whilst clinging my arm

We were startled by this sound. 'Cause it keeps knocking twice every five seconds.

"Margo's here" Ben said quietly

Honestly I'm not that scared if Margo's ghost is actually on the door I would open the door without hesitation but that's just BS. But I could tell my heart is beating rapidly. I man up and got up from my bed. I can see Ben hiding behind my pillows in the corner.

I reach my doorknob while Ben counts off




Ben screamed as soon as I open the door. It was Ruthie and her dog Myrna Mountweazel

"You left your front door open" she said.

Ben and I sighed at the same time.

When I was a kid thirteen years ago my mom would come to my room and tell some stories before I go to sleep.

Until this one night someone came up knocking on my door at first I thought it was my mom and then I heard footsteps. Really loud footsteps. Almost sounded like a marine or a soldier marching on my door. And it stopped.

I got up from my bed and tiptoed till I reached the doorknob when someone from behind slammed it. I jolted underneath my bed and decided to sleep there throughout the night.

Up until now I have no idea who the hell that was.

"What's up? You scared the crap out of us!" Ben said

"I'm scared, can I join you guys for the night?"

"Um yeah" I answered

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