Chapter 6

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**Kerri's POV**

On Saturday I woke up around nine in the morning. My dad was gone and I don't think my sister came home. She hardly ever comes home anymore. She's always at her boyfriends flat. I guess I'm okay with that. But I want to see her sometimes. I guess I'm not worth coming home to see. I cleaned and laid around the house all day. Around twelve at night my dad came home drunk. He stumbled through the door loudly with a woman. He laid his keys and phone down on the table by the door and the woman almost fell. She giggled and they stopped and kissed by the front door. I quickly looked away. Gross. My dad looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Prude." he said

He took the skinny blonde to his room and they were loud. I tried to drown out the noise until I couldn't take it anymore. I know it's not smart for a girl my age to go out at night. But I had to get away. Maybe I could just cut. I looked down at my wrists and saw the faded sun and N there.. I sighed. I'm trying not to. I honestly am. But my dad isn't exactly helping. I grabbed his phone off the table and quietly shut the door. I started walking in a random direction. My feet taking me wherever. I shivered and realised I didn't bring a jacket. Great. I ended up at the nearby park and sat under my favourite tree. This is where my sister and I would go to escape my mum and dads fighting. I curled up in a ball trying to stay warm. I wanted to talk to someone. No, I needed to talk to someone. But no one sane would be up at this untimely hour. But it's worth a shot. I dug through my pockets until I found that slip of paper I kept staring at all day. I unlocked my dads phone and typed in the number. I held my breath and hit 'call'.

"Hello?" he answered sounding like he just woke up. Which he probably did. "Hello? Anyone there?" he said with his gruff voice

"Nathan?" I asked. It sounded like him but you never know.

"Kerri? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Nathan said now sounding wide awake

"I'm fine." I simply stated

"'Fine' usually means not fine. Do you need company? I'll come over." he said

I stayed silent for several minutes and so did he.

"Kerri? Are you outside? It sounds like wind." he said

"Yeah." I said simply again

"Kerri, it's cold out! Where are you?"

Should I tell him where I am? I wanted to talk to someone. And now that I have someone on the phone I'm at a loss of words.

"I'm at a park near my house. Under a tree." I said

"I'll be there soon." he said before hanging up

I sighed and leaned back against the tree. Calling him was probably a mistake. I have never brought anyone to this tree before. It was mine and my sisters place. No one hardly comes to this park and this small tree hidden away was our secret place. But maybe it was time to share a part of me. It seemed to get colder as I sat there. I waited fifteen minutes and realised I was being stupid waiting here for him. He wasn't going to show up. Nathan was just being nice and probably just rolled over and went back to sleep. I rested my head on my knees and soon drifted off.

"Kerri? Kerri? Jesus, you're freezing." a boy said beside me slightly shaking me.

I looked up and saw a pair of bright green eyes.

"Come one. Let's get you in the car." Nathan said starting to help me up.

"No, I don't want to leave." I said resisting him.

"Kerri, it's cold. You're going to get sick." Nathan said

"No, I want to stay here. This is my place. I come here when I need to escape. And I need to escape, Nathan." I said quietly

He sighed and shrugged off his jacket placing it on my shoulders. I didn't realise I was shaking so bad until the warmth of his jacket wrapped around me. He sat down beside me and didn't say anything for awhile.

"Why here?" he asked

I thought about lying to him but then I remembered the promise we made to each other. No more secrets.

"I used to come here with my sister. We would come here when my mum and dad fought. We would escape to here and just talk. Talk of a different life. We would sit out here for hours talking about how our lives should be. Or about our dreams. How we would both be going to Uni and have a lot of money and an unbreakable family."

He was quiet for a bit until he quietly spoke

"I wish I had one of these when my mum and dad were getting a divorce. Would've been helpful."

"You have it now." I said looking at him

He looked down at me and I saw the slight hurt there in his eyes. He slowly wrapped his arms around my shoulders and I leaned my head against his chest. He laid his head on top of mine and started talking.

"I have a dream I would get in a band. So I could sing and enjoy it. I used to get bullied at my old school for singing. And all I wanted to do was sing and play piano. And I couldn't get the full effect at my old school. So my mum, sister, and I moved to London. Where I could pursue my dreams.."

He continued talking about his dreams and I concentrated on his voice. I slowly started drifting off listening to Nathan's voice.

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