Chapter 16

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It's been a month since school has ended. I've finished all of my courses and I am no longer part of that hell hole. I moved in with Sky and Jake. My dad didn't have a problem with that. He said he didn't want a disgrace like me around anyway. So now I'm sitting in my room at my sisters flat watching TV. I haven't talked to Nathan. I've been watching their flips though. He always looks a little sad in them and I hate it. They're leaving tomorrow. I've been debating on going. To see him one more time. But I don't know if I can handle that. I don't know if I can handle that. I don't have such a grudge over him not telling me. But I don't think it will ever be the same. Sky thinks I should go see him.

"Kerri? I hope you're ready." Sky said smiling at me

I groaned knowing where this was going

**Nathan's POV**

"Nathan you lazy git! Come on! We can't be late!" Jay yelled at me

I groaned and rolled over. I loved living with the guys but sometimes they don't get I love my sleep.

"Nathan! Come on!" Tom yelled

I got up and took a long shower. I got dressed and saw Kevin, Martin, and Jayne all down stairs with the rest of the boys

"Finally!" Siva said

We're flying to Ireland today so he's a little excited. Okay, he's bouncing off the walls he's so excited.

We all climbed in the van and Jay was chatting away at the flip

"Mate, shut up!" I said

"And here is Nath. Grumpy as ever." Jay said

I flipped him off and he chuckled and turned the camera off. We got to the airport and talked to the few fans there. I thought I saw someone familiar but I just shook it off. I was talking to a blonde girl who was flirting horribly when I heard someone say my name from behind me

"Hi Nathan."

I turned around and saw Kerri standing there. I moved to her and gave her a huge hug

"Nathan. Can't. Breathe." she said

"Oh, sorry!" I said letting her go

It's just been over a month but it seems forever

"I finished school." she said

"Already? Wow, congrats!" I said

"And I'm living with Sky and Jake now."

"That's great! I'm happy for you."

"Yep." she said

We were silent for a couple seconds until Jay came up

"Hey, Kerri! I wasn't expecting to see you!" he said giving her a hug.

She smiled at him and hugged him back

"I wasn't expecting to come." she said honestly

"I'm glad you're here." he said then walked off

We stood there not talking. Wow. This is awkward.

**Kerri's POV**

Seeing Nathan hurt a lot, actually. I didn't think it would hurt this much. We stood there staring at each other awkwardly until a big guy came up and told Nath it was time to leave.

"Okay Kev. Be there in a few." Nathan said

Nathan gave me a big hug and I returned it. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, "Hopefully we'll see each other soon. Bye, Kerri."

"Bye Nath." I said as I watched him walk off.

My sister came up beside me and said, "You didn't tell him did you?"


"And you're not going to are you?"

"Nope." I said placing a hand on my stomach.

"Let's go then" Sky said putting her arm over my shoulder

Maybe one day I'll tell him. But he doesn't need to know now. He needs to go out and live his dream. Keeping this from him is for the better. Like him keeping me away from the band was better. He had a secret. Now I have mine. I can't believe in one school year, I fell in love with the new kid.


ITS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What do you think Kerri's secret is? It's pretty obvious!! Haha! Comment if you want a sequel! Thanks for staying with me through this book! It means a lot! Comment and vote! Tell me how you liked it!

Stormi Lynn xx

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