My Story Again

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welllllll my story first,my name is Bea horan I kinda ran away from my family when my new born baby brother came home. niall, I've been trying to find him since I could control my hunger of blood I would talk to my mom once in a while but the thing is that she told me niall ran away when he discovered his true self a were wolf . the thing is that our mom is vamp and our dad were so we Are both gonna be hy-birds so here comes more work but my mom heard that he ran away with 4 more other boys which is weird I Didnt run off with my hommies What ever back to my bro we're soppose to inherit powers such as werewolf, vampire,demond,witch/wizard,angel,trickster from you guys . the thing is that you're the best of the best and you don't even know. "OK HOW COOL IS THAT. but I met a girl name Andrea and she's a vamp she's real pretty we both live together I work at Starbucks and she works at Hollister that she can get clothes with discounts I'm more of a shoes type of girl. she's looking for here brother too .Louis is the name there Are soppose to be having the same powers like me and nialler soooo yeah

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