Girl Day???

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Bea's P.O.V

We finally found Zayn this morning he was on the woods crying we were going home after sorting out his feelings it was mad I felt bad so today for girl day our mission is not just to make each other happy and alright but to make Zayn feel that way by getting him a new girlfriend.

~~~when we got home ~~~

We walked in with a messed up zayn we walked into the living room to see Liz and Niall making out that's when zayn got angry all the boys tried and help calm him down but I just observed until I saw zayn eyes get black then I told everyone to run now

Everyone just stood there and looked at me

"RUN NOW" everyone still looking at me wind started blowing through the house windows breaking the house rumbling that's when I screamed

Me: "ZAYN"

That's when future zayn came and ended everything and that's when the present Zayn turned back to normal and everything got fixed back

I laughed everyone was just looking at me and got up and hugged future zayn

Me:"Man aren't I glad to see you zayn thx by the way"

All he said "was no problem but Bea you got to tell Liz about me or else have to keep coming here that means girl day needs to take a ran check"

I sighed and chuckled

Me:"Why are you watching us huh Malik"

Future Zayn:"Because I love myself to much to see me get her because of y'all mistakes"

Me :"Are you sure it's not because you care it's okay to say it Zayn"

Future Zayn: "Oh shut up Tom boy and do your job bye you guys Liam is strict about the time limit here"

Me:"Alright luv you too"

I turned around to see everyone very scared that's when I started to jump up and down and hugged zayn

Me :"Your a demon now but don't use your powers there to strong for me to Handel Liam said I have to take them away from you but I don't know how so till the marrows I can't do anything but keep Niall away from you and Liz

Or you can be a big boy and grow up"

He got mad and super speeded up stairs

Liz was starting to cry that's when Andrea covered my mouth then I licked her hand and she started saying eww and whipping it off on Niall I chuckled

Me: "Okay hey Liz you better not cry cause were not princesses because were just pretty and kind and stuff it's because were strong and when the boys mess up its us to clean up and you got Niall and if you can't deal with that then don't date at all Kay just turn lesbian cause to me that's the only way your not gonna break anyone's heart so I'm totally goona disobey future Zayn and do this girl day to day cause you need it and I need a mission to full-fill okay so are you in are you out"

Liz: I'm in

Me: okay so go pack cause were staying at a hotel and Niall is gonna stay away from zayn just in case here's a call button just press it and I'll be here Kay

Everybody nodded

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