Luv triangle

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Bea's P.O.V

I woke up again to a knock on the door but this time it was the bedroom door I grabbed the pillow and putt it over my head and the door opened to the hear an Irish accent

Niall " guys Harry finished breakfast" that's when I jumped out the bed and grabbed Loui and Niall and super speeded to the dinning table and had my fork in my hand that's when Harry put the plate of food in front of me pancakes bacon eggs and Starbucks

~~~~~ 10 minutes later~~~~

I was done the same time Niall was done

Bea "yup it's official Andrea and I are switching boyfriends after that food it's official with a period

Everyone started to laugh that's when I looked a Loui

Bea "you know what know one is better then Loui never"

That's when I saw zayn and Niall look at Liz and Liz smiled nervously

When everyone was done we went in to the living room to see Liz sit in the middle of the chair and seen zayn and Niall running to her side that's when me Loui Harry and Andrea looked at each other and sat down with our boyfriends and watched them closely then we started to watch the notebook that's when we saw Niall kiss Liz on her lips that's when zayn got up and

"What are you doing with my girlfriend "

Niall "your girlfriend you mean mine"

That's when zayn was about to throw a punch but I super speed and caught it I said

"Zayn room now "

"Niall room too"

When we heard two slams of doors

"Liz what the heck"

Liz " sorry they both kissed me last night and I didn't know what to do but I didn't know they thought I was their girlfriends"

I nodded

Bea "Liz first you should have came to us if you were confused okay and we'll have. A room for that soon who do you like more"

Liz "I'm not sure they both seem boyfriend quality so you guys pick "

Bea "okay"

I tore a piece of paper and gave a piece to Andrea Loui and Harry and called zayn and Niall and gave them a piece of paper also then we wrote down who would ship better then put in a cup then when we whispered in her ear Niall ,Niall for sure she nodded and

Bea "we'll leave you guys"

That's when we went around the Corner a lisened to her choice

Liz "sorry guys for not telling you well zayn umm I don't know how to say this-"

Zayn then grab his keys and walked out the door then I walked in and hugged Niall

"You finally got a girlfriend"

We all started laugh except Liz she kinda looked sad really sad

Bea "sorry Niall but tomorrow is girl day out someone here needs it more then Andrea"

Liz looked down at her feet

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