CheerPractice part 1

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Bea's P.O.V

10:00 in the morning i wake up to someone name eyes to see just loui sleep talking i decided to get up get dressed and go make breackfest for.myself and leave with a note on the table going out

after placing the note on the table i grabbed harry's keys and head to the doctor by time i got there it was 1:11 i walked in tp an empthy doctors office i told my doctor who which was also a fellow immortal

Bea:"i need more pills my boyfriend hid.them from me so can you please"

Doctor: "no probablem ummmm here you go and dont forget liqur givws it a extra kick okay have a good day"

while i said bye and walking out i jumpped on my motorcycle and got home in less than an hour and half i got back i went to the kitchen and poped a beer and went and play GTA5 until everyone woke up they wake up very very late then i remembered that we had a cheer pratice before the finals at 2:30 i read the time it was 2'00 i jumpped up and went and wake up Andrea she wasnt in her room i then went to harry's room to open the door and smell the air it smelt like sex an sweat

I covered my nose until I couldn't hold it no more and ran out the room I looked at the time 2:03 great let me do this the noise way.I went back downstairs and screamed so loud one of the glass cup broke everyone super speeded to me

Bea: "Andrea remember cheer practice so get your self washed up and let's go we have to be there by 2:30 I'm already ready" I said with a snap of my finger my cheer uniform was on

Andrea ran to her room to get dressed and I sat down and started watching T.V as the boys asked if we do cheerleading and I said yup. Out went up to my bag and said

Loui: "Bea I can't find my wallet do you have it????"

Bea:"yeah wait let me get it" I said runing to him and took his wallet out my bag and into his hand

Loui:"thanks I guess"

Bea:"no problem"

Andrea :"I'm ready"


THANKSGIVING WEEKEND that means more updates hopefully
Comment on how you like the dialogue

And so ummmmmm

MKay Bye

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