Meet Eleanor

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Andrea's POV

I woke up to someone playing music loud music and I could tell the boys woke up to it to. I heard the boys walking more like stomping so I ran out my run forgetting I slept in my bra and underwear. I didn't even care.

Bea was just thier sing along to royals by lorde and the boys standing in a strait line. Then I looked down on what I was wearing and shrugged and walked to Bea who was now singing to slow down by Selena Gomez and started to sing to and when we were done

I said "what you making"

Bea said "oh nothing just pancakes,bacon,eggs.

I said "enough for you and Niall right"

I saw her jaw drop

And saw her start making a whole new batch of pancakes

Until she said "why are u dressed like that"

"Why hating just because u don't have this body"

"Oh really" Bea said taking off her shorts and t-shirt to reveal flawless hips flat stomic and a big butt.

We both looked at the boys to wide mouths and nail with a big grin on his face

All he said was " I told you Louis"

Louis looked at nail with a mad face and punched his arm

Bea said " so you've been talking about me"

"No" he said

"Yes" Niall said

And Louis phone rang and said "okay love you too"

He just picked up my clothes and said "get dressed NOW"

Bea said "why"

"That was my girlfriend and she's coming over"

She looked at me and ran to her room

"Um I think I'm going to get dressed um harry can you take charge of the food and knock on the door when it's done and do u guys have liquor"

Then pointed to the liquor section and I grabed some whiskey and rushed to bea's room with to glasses also she was there starring at the floor

"Um whiskey"

She grabed it from me a put it strait to her head and got up and used her powers and get dressed into this ( and walked out the bedroom door

To see a beautiful girl she looked at us.

And said "who the heck are you"

Bea said "Bea"

I said "Andrea "

"So you're slut and your whore"

I was to shy to say something back so I shoved

Bea who was trying hard not to cry

"Um no are u then no" and pushed her out the way

As she was going to the door she said

"I'm going to the bar to get wasted "

"No at least wait of me"

Bea said " how long are u staying"

She said "all night"

Bea looked back at me and said "sorry honey boo boo can't wait try catch up I'm gonna need a ride"

"Bea DONT YOU WALK OUT THAT DOOR" that's when she slammed the door in my face

"Rude" the boys was looking at me and I looked down at my clothes once again and ran to my room and change Into this (

I ran out my room and stopped it front of Louis and told him to hold my phone and earrings while I put on my shoes and took my stuff back from him and looked at his girlfriend and said

"What's your name"


That's when I stepped out side the door and successfully grabbing the house keys he trow to me and I said

"Got to go I'm talking my motorcycle k bringing and drunk Bea back watch the liquor"

They all said "bye" except Eleanor

A/N sorry I haven't updated don't worry I will and probably new and in proved

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