Moving in

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Bea P.O.V

"Here's the plan how many rooms Are in here"

"ummmm probably like 15"Harry said

"wow just for 5 boys well Okay I was thinking of me and Andrea move in with you guys if you don't mind"

"NO WE DONT MIND" Niall and Louis said at the same time

I chuckled and said "well"looking at the rest of the boys

"of course love" they said

me and Andrea looked at each other and ran to our house put down the rent on the table and packed and left the place spotless and went back to the boys.

they were all smiling like a idiot

Andrea P.O.V

"ugggggh What did you guys do"

"why do you assume we did some thing" Harry said which gave me shivers down my back until Bea said

"well since that's done were is y'all rooms and ours"

"our rooms Are on the 1st floo" Liam said

"you'll see our names on the doors" Louis said

"you're rooms will be on the ground floor theres one on the left and one on the right so get unpacking"zayn said

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