Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore & and I have a adventure!

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I got up to Hemione's yelling and combed my hair, brushed my teeth,grabbed some new clothes and walked downstairs since I walked to the Great Hall I sat down next Hermione and we started chatting about the muggle books we read I also figured out that books like Twilight didn't exist yet.

I poured some cereal into my bowl and ate it I felt someone burning holes in the back of my head I turned around to see Draco there he noticed me looking and waved I waved back and smiled.

I went back to eating my breakfast I grabbed some toast and started buttering it and then I muched on it like a rabbit.

"Come on Katherine, we have HIstory Of Magic now," Hermione said and dragged me to the class no literally dragged me I tried to hold anything I even knocked a few people down I sighed and gave up I had to go.

I sat down at class it was so boring after about five minutes you wouldn't be able to concentrate I looked over to my right Harry and Ron were playing Hangman and Hermione was taking notes I looked at her weirdly how can she take notes in this class? after about three seconds I joined Harry and Ron at Hangman which I won at we started playing paper football since Professor Binns could care less about us he didn't do anything.

"Hey guys, a galleon if you can get a paper football in Binns head," I said

"Your on," Ron and Harry said in unison 

we kept trying to shoot paper footballs in his head but he kept moving around "Hey guys lets make spit balls!" I said enthusiastically I haven't made spit balls since I was with my friends back home.

They looked at me confused "What?" they ask in unison..again

"You don't know what spit balls are?!?!" I asked they shook they're heads seriously what are with these people? Oh,right we were in like nineteen nintey-six or something.

I left after the bell rang and immediately went to Professor Dumbledore's office then I realized I didn't know the password I tried remembering the password from the books "Hmm..Fizzing Whizbee?" I asked and the ugly looking gargoyle let me in I knocked three times and I entered when I heard

"Come in," I took a deep breathe and sat down at the desk I smiled as Fawkes, the phoenix flew over to me and sat at my shoulder.

"I don't believe I've seen you at this school before," Dumbledore said kindly, his electric blue eyes twinkling

"Thats because I don't belong here I fell into this book," I explained Dumbledore looked at me weirdly I conitinued "This world is supposed to be written by J.K.Rowling and it was supposed to be just a book," I said

"Well,I do need proof," he stated calmly I remembered every information and inkling on Albus Dumbledore yes I read all the books so that was easy.

"Your full name is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, you have two siblings Ariana and Aberforth your sister Ariana was attacked when she was six by three muggle boys who saw her using magic and when she was fourteen you ,Aberforth and Gellert Grindelwald had a three-way duel and one of you killed her." I said and I watched as Dumbledore became teary-eyed

"I'm sorry Professor, but you need to help me go back!" I said "And the worst thing is that I know whats going to happen in the future!" 

Dumbledore seemed to think for a minute "What happens in the future?" he asked curiosity dripping from each word.

"Well,Harry starts a D.A.D.A club called Dumbledore's Army because Umbridge isn't teaching us anything and then Voldermort uses Legilimency to get into his mind you give him lessons with Snape and he stops the lessons when Harry sees Snape's worst memory and then Voldermort plants a image in Harry's head that his accused of killing twelve muggles and Peter Pettigrew godfather Sirius Black is getting tortured in the Department of Mysteries and so Harry,Hermione,Ron,Luna,Neville and Ginny go there but they find out its a trick to make Harry come and they find the prophecy but Harry breaks it and then his godfather is killed by Bellatrix Lestrange." I say very fast but Dumbledore seemed to understand

"I see." Dumbledore said

"Professor I was thinking how Voldermort has horcruxes you already destroyed two that means I can destroy the other horcruxes which are the..Professor do you have Marvolo Gaunt's ring?" I asked

"No, why?" Dumbledore said

"Professor we need to take a short trip to the Chamber of Secrets can you apparate us?" I asked

"Yes,hold on tight please," he instructed and I held his arm I felt like being pushed into a tiny tube damn I was going to vomit the feeling stopped and we where inside the chamber they're was skeletons everywhere I did that choking thing and we were inside I went to the huge looking snake which was extremely gross and pulled of his teeth.

I shivered and went back to where Dumbledore was standing "Now,we need to go to the Gaunts shack," I instructed and felt the horrible feeling again we then were outside this house that was half-hidden by the trees you couldn't even see anything who would even live there?

I walk to the house carefully and in when we reached the door there was a snake hanging there "Professor can I use your wand please," I asked he looked cautious but handed it to me I pointed his wand  at the door and said "Bombarda Maxima!" the door fell backwards and I was covered in dust I handed the wand back and walked in.

It was so dirty that there were spider webs I looked under the floor boards and found it the horcrux was in the golden box "Professor I found it!" he came over and almost touched it when I screamed

"Don't touch it!"  he pulled his had back and I grabbed the basilisk's fang and broke it and surprisingly it worked! I saw the ring in the middle was the resurrection stone.

"Professor do you want to keep it?" I asked lamely but seriously what should I do with it?

He smiled but shook his head "I think it has made much destruction over the years as much as I would want it, its best to be destroyed,"

I nodded he was deeeepppp I grabbed the basilisk fang and smashed it I then said "Okay we need to go to twelve Grimmauld Place,"

Here We Go...

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