Pecan Pie!

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I had a schedule weirdly enough given to me by Professor McGonnagal and a bag which I found in my dorm,  I looked at my schedule I now had double Potions with Slytherins I kinda knew my way around because I read all the Harry Potter books.

I went and sat by Hermione but Professor Snape beat me to it.

"Ms.Parkers sit with Mr.Malfoy," he said in a emotionless tone I knew that he loved Lily and that's why he was so bitter but before I knew that I thought he was mean to everyone because he hasn't gotten laid. I chuckled silently at that thought and walked over to the platinum haired Malfoy I put my bag on the chair.And looked at the board we were making the Draught of peace I got the ingredients and walked over to Harry and whispered "Don't forget the syrup of Hellebore Harry." he quickly put it in and gave me a grateful look at me his potion then turned silverish.

I walked back to my station and began cutting up the Valerian roots "Did you add the powdered moonstone?" I asked Draco he looked up at me like he was gonna scowl but saw my face he smiled and nodded for a second I noticed the silver in his eyes it was like two moons I was almost going to faint. 

We added the ingredients to the potions and it turned a silvery color and I hi-fived Draco "So I didn't catch your name," Draco said "I'm Katherine Parker but you can call me Kat," I said and stuck my hand out for him to shake "Draco Malfoy," he said and shook my hand.

Snape came and looked at our potion "Good job Mr.Malfoy," Snape said and ignored me completley but I really couldn't care less.

Before I walked out of class someone grabbed my wrist I turned to look at who it was but relaxed when I saw it was Harry, "Hey Harry!" she said cheerfully

"Kat, I don't like you hanging out with Malfoy," he said 

"Excuse me? we were just talking and since when was it okay for you to decide who I can and cannot hang with!" I exclaimed

"He's not a good person he's a Slytherin!" he said

"So, you just judge people because of their houses?" I ask putting both my hands on my hips

"No" he took a deep breath and continued "I don't want you to get hurt, please just stay away from him..for me?" he said I ran my hand threw my hair and finally nodded

"Fine whatever," I said and went to the class I had Charms now I walked to the classroom and sat in the middle Harry following me sat next to me.

"Today we will be learning the summoning charm which is bound to come up in your O.W.L. the incantation is simple Accio begin," he said

"I learnt that spell last year," Harry said I rolled my eyes I already knew that I read the book

"Accio book," I said clearly and a book came zooming at me I ducked but Harry who hadn't noticed got hit by the book and knocked his glasses I laughed at him he just grinned and said

"I meant to do that,"

"Right," I said laughing

after the little incident Harry and I got bored so we practiced all the spells we knew on each other "Confundo," I said and pointed at Harry he was writing notes then he looked up and said "What we're we doing?" I shrugged and laughed silently.

The rest of the day was a blur and it finally came to a end at dinner which was great because I was starving and the food was delicious also I joined S.P.E.W and weirdly enough I found I had loads of cash! Where'd that come from?

I then went to dinner and noticed Harry didn't even look at Cho  I thought in the Harry Potter series he like her? while Cho did everything she could so he could even look at her then I realized it Harry has a crush on me.

I did my best to avoid Harry but he just turned up everywhere so I decided to ignore him I started piling food on my plate but then I spotted "PECAN PIE!!" I yelled making everyone look at me not just the Gryffindor table everyone it was kinda embarrasing but I just glared at everyone.You see I kind of had a obsession with Pecan Pie since the day my friend dared me to eat it.

I took a swig from my goblet until I realized it was Pumpkin Juice I spat it out and tried to get rid of the horrible taste. I know in the Harry Potter series it tastes supposed to taste yummy but it really tastes like me I guess because I just realized everyone here likes it.

I started chatting to Hermione and Ginny who turned out to be surprisingly nice I was introduced to Parvati and Lavender who were like in love with Harry it was like a Justin Bieber of the Harry Potter generation and  they also liked to gossip.. alot but other than that they were nice.

This day wasn't so bad after all except that I like two boys who were arch enemies how great is that!

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