Day Thirty Two

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Dear Reader,
Hi. My name is Rae and I'm sixteen years old. I'm intelligent yet lack common sense. I'm cocky yet insecure. I hate exercise yet I'm a dancer. I despise lying, yet I'm never honest. I hate love but I want a lover. I'm beautiful and ugly.
I'm just full of oxymorons.
Half of those things that I stated are things I tell the world. I brag about myself when I know that I'm lying. I act dumb around certain people so they don't think I'm a nerd. I try to show that I'm independent when really all I want is a friend. Those things make up my mask.

I wear my mask everyday, to cover up my flaws and those nasty things I don't want the world to see. 

Within these pages, I've taken off my mask, revealed my true self to you Reader. the side of me that no one has ever seen. I've told you how I truly felt every time I was forced to hold my tongue. I've told the random things my mind comes up with and every little strange part about me. I've told you the flaws that I keep hidden from the world. I've told you everything I could about me.

Now it's up to you what you do with this knowledge. 

Disregard it as a fictional piece of work. Laugh at it and say that you'll never be like me. Delete everything I've just told you from your mind. 

Or you could use it. 

Use it to take off your mask. Use it to make a new friend or forgive an old one. Use it to learn to not judge those who may be difference or shy and awkward.

It's up to you Reader. 

Sincerely Yours,


"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it is better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." - Marilyn Monroe 

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