Day Nine

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Dear Reader, 

        Masks. Aren't they strange things? They cover not only your face, but your identity. People use masks to be someone or something they're not. Certain occasions require us to wear a mask like Halloween or a masquerade. I've never seen the point of a mask. Putting a face over your face? It just doesn't make sense. In the same way I've never seen the point to wearing make-up. Using some powder to change your appearance just seems weird to me. 

        I remember the first masquerade ball I went to. My dad was the principal of a EXTREMELY small private high school. There were under twenty students. Close your eyes and visualize the scene. Wait, no,  don't stop reading. Just try to imagine how it felt to me. The only people who were really there as students hid in the game room claiming the music was too loud. To try and fill up the dance, I invited some friends of mine. Now I wasn't a high school student at this time. In fact, I had barely started seventh grade. So I was this awkward seventh/sixth grader with two friends at a mostly empty dance. The band was playing, and after some encouraging from a friend, we decided to dance. Man, I really couldn't dance. I was dancing like an awkward child who couldn't stop jumping. It was terrible. And then there was the slow songs that everyone just awkwardly danced to with another girl. Emily and I ended up dancing together since we were the same height. Then my dad wanted to dance with me, and back then dads had cooties. So what I did I do? Of course I politely refused and continued about my merry way. WRONG. I caused a scene. I fell to the ground yelling "NO!" To be fair, my dad didn't ask me to dance. All in all, the masquerade ball wasn't the best. 

        Masquerades are funny things aren't they? Recently I went to another masquerade ball (I was less awkward this time) and no one wore a mask. I thought that was kinda cool, considering the masquerade theme was lame anyway. And during the dance everyone mingled, no one was excluded, not even the chaperones. It was a nice feeling. It felt as if for a moment all of our masks were taken off. And in that second we were more than individuals.

         If only everything were like that. 

       Sincerely Yours,


"We understand how dangerous a mask can be. We all become what we pretend to be." 
― Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind

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