Day Eleven

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Dear Reader,

        I want to do something different. You see, I write these little mini poem things but I never share them. So I'll start by sharing them with you. Now most of them are my anger and frustration and sadness all mashed together. I'm not normally this dreary, but it's easier for me to write when I'm emotional. Anyways, here they are:


Simple, dangerous, and fast.

That's how a grenade work.

A trigger happy man just pulls and ends another human's life.


Explosive, harsh, and quick.

That's how they work.

One second they're screaming, the next they're kind.


        I use the subject "they" a lot. It's because something I read this and I think of one person but on a different day it could be someone completely different. So better not to name names or point fingers.

The Good Girl

She's ticked. She was only a couple minutes late, and for a good reason too. But the wardens didn't care about that. They didn't allow her to let go, to be free. They had placed her hands in shackles, a leash around her neck. She had no free will, no choice. She was their puppet and them, her puppet master. She's forced to wear a mask all day and night, to pretend her life is perfect. Well it's not. The car pulled into the driveway; she got out quietly like she's supposed too.

"Why were you late?" The dreaded voices asked.

"We were talking and..."

"You should've left on time. Get to bed." They said watching her carefully. So many things she wanted to say.

"You're control freaks! You can mess with academics and my stuff but leave me alone!" Of course she didn't say it. She bit her tongue and nodded, trying to hold herself together. Reaching her room, she broke down. Her silent sobs were heard only by the shadows. She was utterly broken, and no one cared.

        I told you. Lots of anger.


My life is a revolving door.

People come and go so quickly

I never have enough time

To say good bye

Then they just move on

And I'm stuck here in the same spot

        This next one I wrote right after my grandmother passed. She and my dad never got alone too well. She was living way up in the Northeast so I never got to see her. Sometimes we would write letters or get phone calls where she would talk and say that I was good girl, and that I'm a good student. I would just love to hear from her. I loved my grandmother dearly and she impacted my life in many ways. So...yeah.


Blank pages would stare back at me. Things undone. Stories unwritten. The list goes on and on. These are the thing she will never do. The stories she will never tell nor write. Words unsaid. Pictures undrawn. Songs unwritten. Why do we put these things off? Why don't we do the things that we want to? Why do we go through the motions? Time is our enemy. No one else will leave our legacies for us. I start living now.

I want to dedicate the last one to my amazing friends Caitlin and Kylie. Though we've never met face to face, they've been with me through the good and the bad. We've faced hardships and struggles together. All in all, I couldn't ask for better friends.

The Trio

Once upon a time there was a girl. She was always behind on everything, popular music, fashion, technology and everything in between. This girl always had her nose in a book. Then she discovered the World Wide Web. At first Rachel was timid; she had been warned about strangers on the internet. After a couple months the girl met one of her best friends, online. Her name was Caitlin. Together they forged this idea for a novel of a crazy mental hospital. Then came along another friend, Kylie. She helped add more characters and a better plot not only to the story but to Caitlin and Rachel's lives. Now Rachel loves her friends dearly, and would do anything for them. They are her world and without them, Rachel would be nothing.

        That's it for today Reader. I hoped you enjoy my little fantasies. Remember Reader, it's not just about what your heads thinks, it's about what your heart feels.



"Pressing on, all my regrets are going, going gone. And I won't sit back and take this anymore. I'm done with that, I've got one foot out the door. To go to where I was would just be wrong. I'm pressing on."- Reliant K

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